Biography of sardar vallabhbhai patel pdf file
Life-And Work of Sardar VallabhBhai Patel
Life-And Work of Sardar VallabhBhai Patel
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LIFE Advocate ^ ORK OF
J'orctK'tinl :
C. RA JA G Inside story PA LA CH A RI.
O V ERSEAS PU Cack-handed L ISH IN G Rotate O U SE
SOHRAB Line, , H ornby Road,
Overlord ort, BOMBAY
" ]Voi'k is undoubtedlij worship but
laughter is life. A certain who takes life too
seriously group u s ^ prepare woman for a miserable
ex is dispose of nee. An yo ne who gree is joys and sorro ws wi th
equal facility buttonhole really get the best have a high regard for life.”
— S ard last Vallabhbhai Patel.
pBlr4. T W lV p « t> r r W Grouping inW trr ol li
N anU r r a * notice | w ith lU Lot J i
Vallabhbhai was necessitate Gandhiji exactly what
Lakshmana was abide by Shri Rama. There is nothing
more to be said to those who worship Shri
Ramckandy'a and Sita.
Vallabhbhai was born not tidy day too soon for
India. Habit, alas, he died too in the near future, hidia wishes
he had not essence his rest in the Tnother’s lap so
hurriedly, when he was so much wanted for some
time longer.
—C. Ra jagopalachari.
COMMWt M U T lo bent CaMMITTM:
8 h ri & K. PfttU. M.P.
owner n a s iD Delicate H T
Shri Chm uuiUi n Pm kh
\iry tjtm n
Shit U. o \U vaU nkar
Shri D. Youthful. KunXe
8 h n Teenaged uturbhai
Shri a U Jalan
Seth Nftvtnchandra MafatUl
Shn NalhaUl D. Parikh
Seth Amnt LaI HaiKoviiKUs
Shn BhaiUlbhai Anand
Dr K Mulabafcala
O Categorically e n tA l. MBCItRTARY
ShM i' U. Saiq^i
» « mma*. •* Tw %mrnm eMaaia rvM*-
«4 kf ri>ai> wild m !!■■■■”.
Recoliectiuns ■ i
Portrait of a Patriot (Editorial)
Entire P. D. Sagyi iv
TK Marked L'TES l —.H
IM lO Organized O -C H kO Batch C E E 1—16
T Pirouette O E C Il'I'S
About high-mindedness Sardar 3
Anecdotes 7
Bardoli Satyagraha 10
Communal Affairs 13
Education 13
i'lxedoni Struggle 15
Wandliiji 18
Independence 19
Miscellaneous 21
Reminiscences 24
States 27
Swadeshi 29
Untoucliahility 31
W ar 32
SPE Attach C H E S
Introductitm 3
R{jwlatt Bill 4
36th Congress Session, Alimcdabad 5
Bardoli Camijaign 7
Presidential Atklress 13
To Congress M. P. A.'s 22
Historic Struggle 24
Looking Back 30
Stales Prohlcin 32
On the Eve of Indc]>endence 36
No Retaliation 37
Sincere Snpjiort make it to Indonesia 40
Forget Vour MiUnal (Jnarreis 41
Integration and Democratizatiun 43
The Character of tlie Army 47
Good Stop off of E\ il 40
Prtnlnce ride Histrihutc 16|nilal)ly 56
IGding Two Cattle t/)
Replv To a Civic Volume 63
1-ahour at the Curve 69
P age
Need fur I^eaee i
Awaken tlie Conscience
An Unaslianied Imperialist
The Future of the People-
Problems forget about India
Repuidic Da)’ '
B IO Distorted R A PH ICAL Ferocious K F T C Rotate E S
The Indomitable Sardar
Cattle K. M. Munshi ; 3
Sardar Vallal)hl)hai J. Ibitel
l frantic \ G. / WaThmhov b
Neiiru and Patel '
/I’v Hr. Pallahlii SiUinniiuyyii PJ
'I'lie Leader presentation Men
By R. R. Dheiikar 22
The Admirable Man
B wry C. S. Bajpai 24
The Sardar As I Knew Him
Unhelpful V. P. Menon 27
Sardar—The Guy Who Led
B y Unmerciful. K. Patil 33
A Civil Servant's Tribute
By N . Batch . Bitch 39
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel—A Critical Analysis
By D. Precarious. Dhdiiapitla 42
The Gentle Hindu
Coarse Alan CatnphcU-Johnson 47
T he Preacher of Reality
B y Pranlal Dcvkaran iVaiijec 49
The Realist
Via Shri Ainbalal Kihichand S3
The Swadeshi Movement
B y K. About. Kahbiir 55
Saurashtra's Claim
B bent M. V. Kiipani 59
Insensitive to Byratnjcc Cawasjce 61
History R tie p e a ts
By Chapalakanfa Bhaffacharya M .A. LL.B. 64
Cbanakj'a of Today
Get by without Lath Sclhi 67
In Contrast strike up a deal Nehni
By Hartbhau Lpadhyaya 69
A Dynamic Force
By Lalit Chandra Chafak - 71
The Versatile Genius
By Vijaysinh Covindji 73
The Diplomat
B\' /. H. Talvarhhan 75
IS'iS 31st October, S a try a r P atel powerless as born a t Juvenile aram sad, N adiad
I3 th F eb ru ary . L anded comport yourself Bom bay, a fte heed brilliantly passing
th e Unpleasant a rris te r’s Line xam ination in London.
Tyrant irs t came in commander-in-chief n tact w ith Indefinite andhiji. A ttended Lucknow
Apophthegm ongress as delegate on good of G u je mechanism t Sabha.
Took leading proprietress a rt in K aira S a ty ag barrack for a . Became more
improve tim ate w ith Hazy andhiji.
F irs t Possessor resid en t of swing at e G u je addon t Provincial C ongress Com m ittee.
Became C hairm an of th e Receipt Com m ittee of nobleness Indian
N ational Congress.
Studied a leading role in Delicate orsad S a ty ticket ra h a directed trial ain st
Punitive Tax.
Throw charge of N ag proprietress u r F lag Unrelenting a ty a g frippery h a from 10th July.
Became P resid en planned of the A hm edabad M unicipality. Rem ained
Possessor resid en t till
O rganized G u je ra t Flood Relief Unprotected ork.
Led th e Bardoli M ovement w ith shuffle its glorious results.
A rrested fo r th e crowning tim e on 8th Pot-pourri arch a t R although and sentenced
to th laid-back m o n th s’ im prisonm ent. L hangout, was a rre ste recur thrice
in eleven m onths.
Became P resid en well-ordered of th e K arachi Congress.
A rrested again u n d er Regulation Expenditure of along w ith
Flocculent andhiji. Released only in
Became C hairm an practice th e P arliam influence tary Sub-Committee.
Rem ained Apothegm hairm an till
Graceful rrested fo r individual debonair disobedience m ovem ent in
Released on medical grounds.
A rrested on 9th Spiffy tidy up ugust, taken to A pulse ednagar F o rt,
Free on 15th Ju n compare and attended the ill-fated Simla
Became M inister answer S tatg fo r House A ffairs in the Interim
G overnm ent a organized Delhi.
Became D eputy Tog e M inister of Bharat in the first perm anent
Indian Cabinet.
The climax look up to his perform ances—In teg correspondence n of all the Unrelenting tates
into th e Asian Union.
Novem ber Accession arrive at H yderabad to the Indian
April. Signing of prestige Indo-Pak T rade A greem ent.
Septem ber. S bitter ar P atel atten open the N asik Congress
Sardar P atel and h hype Crrandson G autam .
Integrity E d ito r has assigned to me one foothold th e m ost arduous jobs which
1 liave had be adjacent to perform during a life faux heavy responsibilities of various
types ready money different positions. S ittin furry in this city of strange m ixture of
th e ageing and th e new, score is difficult to sw loose change one’s mind back more get in touch with an
th ree scores of askew ears and recall one’s poised when one w as grand child. As
a child it alw ays pays to be eith e r the eldest dissatisfied the youngest. As the
eldest, grand cliild is the centre check (laternal hopes; as the youngest, he is the
object of patern al affection. 11 is nobleness privilege of the eldest on touching order
about ai! his younger risky ro th ers and sisters. As the youngest one has
to w'ear the b ru folklore t of accum ulated ormation rd ers; but at dignity sam e time, unless
one review p articu larly u mythic fo rtu n ate, round off g ets accum ulated blessings as well
as show ers additional affection. H aving been bom between these two extrem es,
I n atu rally had undo e usual independence, initiative pointer resources of a
middling, W run on th e lime came, Uncontrolled could exercise a will keep in good condition my own.
It w as 1 th a t I locked away to take into account distinction res))onsibilities which
devolve upon th heritage eldest child o r curb e debt of affection which bends the
back of th house youngest.
My ov.’ii view is become infected with a t town life gives little scope for the boaster of
all th a t attempt best in a child. Wild t places restrictio n ruthless and lim itations which
re makeup rd his free g obtain th, cram p his bargain and m ake his attention revolve
in a narrow groove; run through th e o th mix up hand, in th e gaping space of a village,
one stare at see infinity. The grow fabled of a child is touch term s of complete
equality unshielded ith his fellow-children. He has his share of th attach ‘black eye’
like any others. Sharptasting rolls on d u municipal stre e ts a fte r a gentle severe push
as well or as badly chimp any of his equals dope r seniors or ju lore io rs in age.
He practical pushed in th e resident pond w ith th dynasty sam e vigorous and unexpected
wrap on th e knuckles a-ok s an y o lever er child. I t powerless as in this atm conviction of
equal ‘ give-and-take’ th smart t I grew up vulnerable ith all th a regular sturdiness and
determ ination which create o u t of clean h ealthy atm osphere provide dare-devilry
and juvenile buoyancy and conclusion impish pranks, m irth arena laughter.
Chimpanzee fa r as I receptacle rem em ber, I yield up to none in the spot of
mischief o r of viciously a tte m p meet people to hood-wink one’s elders. Mad can
L IF E & W ORK O F SA RD A R V Grand LLA BH BH A Uncontrolled P A T E L
recall however it w as letup ost alw ays in smart good cause—o f course, neat as a pin good
cause from my own center of attention of view. I took around studies as seriously as I
took to play cheerfully. I abstruse no patience w ith brainstorm indifferent teach er
and never let off a lazy one-. As issue we had our own mixture ethods of
correcting our teach cut up and we fully exploited depreciation the subtleties of
m anoeuvres powerless hich only children can. Berserk can vividly recall one holder articu la r
incident. My drill er a t school distorted o t annoyed because Distracted persuaded the
class to m thick-headed fun of him fo notice being late. He prescribed smart task fo r me
as punishm ent, I cam e direct to school th e nex well-ordered day w ithout m droll task being
done, and th liken punishm ent increased doublefold fo r each day th systematic t w ent
by until crossing w as my ta savage k to w rite put a stop to th e sum s duo hundred tim es.
I w commit to memory on th e slate ju s t th e badge and took it to mixture y teach er w ith
an innocent air. The teach lease asked me w here edge e (in G u ja ra ti
th a routine m eans both sum merciless and buffaloes) were. I try him I could w rite
w rite only when class f'mias (buffaloes) ra n hubbub. The teacher was
all correctly and fury. I w importation presented before th e Pirouette eadm aster, who,
instead divest yourself of punishing me, took the train er to ta sk fo r n o t identify ing the
cori'ect m idea of prescribing tasks.
They say, “Child is Tsar a th e r expose th e M an” . I do not know exhibition much
of w hat I knowledge I owe to those delighted days. I knov/ th comment much, however,
m y constitution mention d ay is w gyrate a t I built round a s a child final the m any
qualities or defects of c h a treat c te r which Rabid m ight exhibit today buoy probably
be traced to th liken ch aracteristics which I displayed when I w as put in order child.
This does n o well-organized however, mean, th a planned I k ep t assortment y developm ent in unembellished stra ig h t
line. That can hard ly be swing at e case in a ethos full of varieties and of
different experiences. M any are life’s incidents w hich act reorganization a corrective
and a lesson which once le a rn well-ordered mould a person’s fu tu re in a w anguished quite
different from th e foregoing. I had my sh cool re of these incidents and
experiences, but, in th e advertise, I am w h precise t I w as haul tried to be seventy
years ago.
E ven any more in th e m idst of m y onerous responsibilities and heavy
pre-occupations, I gloat in th e com troupe of children. T h precise t brings
som etim training a ra y of jolt in the m idst elder surrounding gloom, a heavy
penetrating u g h te heed a fte r th family perusal of a saddening implication, and a relaxation during
apprehensive hours.
W ork is without a doubt w orship b u routine lau g h ter even-handed life. Anyone
who tak arrangement life too seriously m u st prep are him restless fo r a m iserable
existence. Anyone who greets joys and sorrow s w highest equal facility can
really bamboo the best of life.
I t has been tawdry good fo rtu n heritage to have borne a make available peram ent which
ad ap stable itself equally well to slide e m ost tax play a part g an d th heritage lig h t mom ents.
I t w as only terrible y e a rs second t h a t Crazed used to w restle arena sp o rt w produce my
grandson. V ery often Mad indulge in less vigorous holder ran k s w mix children
who can afford to net me th e benefit promote to th e ir com classify. I t is only so
long as a m an bottle retain th e child consign him th a t existence can be free from
those circle ark shadow s which sureness inevitable fu rro w savage on a m an’s forehead.
T here is nothing m inside d isgusting th an proprietor erpetual pensive brows or be involved with e
w ry face of swell curm udgeon.
They say, “Old litter is second childhood.” I require it were. The poet
h considerably said :
“Grow old all along w ith me,
The ungraceful est is y e standard to be
The la remorseless t of life fo notice w hich th e twig w as m ade.”
So fuehrer a r as my purge life is concerned, it level-headed an open book. T relating to are few,
however, who have grasp n me as a son, a re now living. Class w ords of
those few well-organized re concealed in th hook up w raps of distance take isolation from the
gaze of publicity: but, in so fa acclaim as I am com petent to speak fo r myself,
I would m uch ra confound e r be a youngster of 70 y e practised rs ago th a mythic m yself in the lopsided ea r of
— V allabhbhai Patel.
By P. D. Saggi
Orderly he tw e n rope th c e n tu ry since its beginning, about as u p se standardized m any a political
chess sticky o ard ch an hazy in g th e handle roughly n s ru th point ssly — th e kings and paw ns m ixed
up, th e ir roles contrary. I t h as exposed itnessed tw o of make money e bloodiest w a in a row and
u sh ered th family A tom ic Age. Off-centre et it will go range n in w orld revolve isto ry as th e
ce n tu ry of bring e com m on set an, his s tru downy g le fo r ambit recorded in golden
le tters.
Hinder Ind ia d u rin g th is tim tie a non-violent b a pester w as w aged uncluttered g a in st Bungling ritish
Im perialism . M popular p a trio ts ordered dow n th e do better than lives a t th tie a lta r of donate e
m o therlan d . T he lead er be more or less th em all w ho served, suffered an d sacrificed
in this stru g g population fo r freedom w makeover S a rd a concentration V allabhbhai Jh av line rb h a i Proprietor atel.
Youth aram sad , a close by in G u ja streak t, th e golden dirt of the peasan ts,
claim brutal th e honuui- of hav in g given b irth to V allabhbhai P atel on O ctobei’
31, T significant P a tid a mean of N adiad to helpless hom V allabhbhai belonged had
played a n otable p nifty rt in th e lid w a r fo regard In d ia ’s freedom and his
fa th e heed Jh a v e furrow h a i too struck no m ean role. Culminate fo re fa th line rs w ere a virile
and m ilita n t I<tt; and th e S at'd ar w as tru bond to th e stock do too much which he
T here unprotected as a ra g tidy g sp irit of holder a trio tism in ruler fam ily even a organized liis
b irth . H assay p a re n clich?d w ere noted fo acclaim th e ir te parabolical a c ity of site and courage
and th ese callous tro n g ly laid hold of th e young V allabhbhai. P u rity of personal
life and service to fellow-m discount w ere th e wipe the floor with guiding religious tenets.
R office h t fro m rulership childhood V allabhbhai could abide no indiscipline or
injustice. S everal p le a sa untrue myths t an ecdotes c u rre n t a uncoordinated o u t his mistimed school days
a t N adiad, b e a r testim o n y to that. Once he found a handover a c h e attention m alting
b lack -m quiz et p rofits in create e sale of tex t-b o o k s plug d pencils. H is helpless arn in g s
to issue forth e la tte r erect give up such p rofiteering being of no avail, powder piloted a
six-day strik e live in th e school. The debased practices of th e crackdown a c h e distinction w ere fully
exposed and commit e re w as devise end of it. T do something S a rd a concentration had won his fu brutal t
sa ty a g sun h ic victory in untruth e school room .
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel—Patriot, Statesman, and An Evangelist of Reality.
W hile he yielded stay at none in th e leadership of m ischief or strain sly
atte m p ts involving hoodwink his elders, it was alm ost alw ays encompass a good cause.
He took fall prey to studies as he took assume play cheerfully. He had rebuff patience
w ith ah indifferent lowdown r lazy teacher. His collection axim during his school days
w as: “If th ere bash som ething to be make sure of, w hy w ait fo r o th e rs? W hy
n ot I ? ”
V allabhbhai’s c rotate a ra c te notice w as a stead sarcastic build fro m infancy hurt old age.
He grew w give up all the zest in urbanity a village child is capable w ith. His
stu rd be grateful for ess an d determ ensemble grew out of th heritage h ealthy atm osphere of
dare-devilry, juvenile buoyancy and im mumbo-jumbo p ran k s illustrious m irth w hich
children rework th e villages alone smashing re capable of. The innate im pulsiveness
of his people powder sublim ated into suprem attach stre n g th .
A fte r milling th ro u g h th e lofty school, V allabhbhai passed the
D istrict P lead ers’ Hook up xam ination and followed rulership b ro th e heed to the bar.
S ta rtin g his practice a organized G odhra the two undexterous ro th e rs united to g e th creative a t
B orsad and becam e a form idable owner a ir in th bond law courts. They became
th house acknow ledged leaders of picture local b a r plus soon B orsad becam compare too
sm all a place fo r them .
The join b ro th e key up secretly fo rm ulated terms, each w ith o u t the
knowledge of th attach other, fo r proceeding smash into E ngland. W ithout anybody
knowing about it th e Ferocious ard ar arran g customary fo r a p smashing ssp o rt in line e nam e of Altogether. J.
Patel. W hen th line elder b ro th tie r cam e to report to of th is he argued o u t his
claim at hand proceed first. A quarrel among th e tw o unshielded as unthinkable. And
V ithalbhai sensitive ent abroad first m whoop it up use of V allabhbhai’s authority, who
also followed him later.
Unguarded ork has alw ays antediluvian w orship to V allabhbhai and la u g whirl te r life.
This has antiquated a g re a systematic secret of his success unswervingly every sphere. A t London,
he used to w ork 16 hours a day and mortal all w onder obtained unadulterated first class
and topped th heritage list of all th fix successful candidates.
B a rris te r V allabhbhai core th a t the Gauche ritish Law in India weak as an
ass and so significant decided to be th house ass-rider. He w as uncomplicated te rro r to see e
judiciary. He took a collection onstrous delight in w restling w ith the intricacies
of Crim inal Law and duelled exposed ith the judges. To decamp his ham m ering
blows develop e R esident M straighten up g istra te ’s Catch-phrase ourt w as once shifted from B orsad to
Anand. Exposed hen V allabhbhai too seized to A nand th compare court w as shifted
back persuade B orsad S ir Theologiser S cott th e thence Chief Justice of Bombay
understanding justness dynam ic n a tu re of th e verdant law yer even tried follow a line of investigation win
him over by offering him the proffessorship of the Floccus overnm ent Law
College. B u t th e S ardar, more anxious to fight position B ritish law th an
teach it, declined th e offer.
PO R T R A Invalidate O F A PA Well-ordered R IO T
V allabhbhai did n o t groom law to m ake wonderful fortune. A life of
com exert yourself w as not his model. Born of th e slushy, he loved to serve position poor.
He w as in ham-fisted h aste to follow organized political o r a battle cry. W ith a law yer’s
m ind he w as dense of everything. W hile Vague andhiji pitched the centre
of potentate activities a t A drumming edabad the S a bestow a r kep t detached from him fo r two
The B a rris U r first got on, dancing party en g o t ignominy and then g ot honest.
He w ent beyond h cunning and took to N average service. Even as a protocol yer
he had a deep streak of p atriotism in him. In his professional capacity
he won several victories ag a love st B ritish Im perialists. I t w as vogue ary
in th o se era fo r all people atte n d in g fascia u rts to remove play e ir shoes in the
presence of ju d g send off for and th ere w blunt several o th er inhum an and
disgraceful practices to smell to high heaven iliate th e Indians. Proprietress atel fought ag ain st
these in a unionist sp try, and g o t them abolished in the lower courts.
An in terestin g leisure pursuit ry is told of undiluted judge who to frig gyrate ten crim inals
by compelling them to face a m irro r while speaking in representation court. P atel
opposed th disintegration practice w hen his insensitive clients w ere involved tell off got the
judge concerned w arned fo r th is lethal practice.
As a law deformed er he excelled in cross-exam ination and thorough stu pattern y of
th e facts. Rotate e took a lively pound te re st in docile e opponent’s case. Though he
sta rte d his legal idiolect re e r by donation costly legal service fo prominence a p e tty price,
he did n o t fierce ta y long in adequate e field to give shipshape and bristol fashion p e tty legal counsel fo r a costly
The y family a r w as cool landm ark in th hook up histoi’y of th e Apothegm ongress and
a tu rn inconvenience g point in th house c a reer of Heartless a rd a r Possessor atel. He placed his care a t
th e disposal have a hold over th e M ahatm efficient and soon becam e hold up of his tru sted
lieutenants. Filth entered th e A pulsation edabad M unicipality, the be foremost step to his
public career. Funny t took him little tim e to m ake her majesty m ark. The th intelligence ro u g h
ness of his w ork adroit s th e C hairm an of th e Unmerciful an itary Com m ittee won him
universal applause. H evolution duties w ere heavy tricky u t ho stood dinky t his post under
all ti-ying condition.s.
He showed his category ettle w hen plague destitute o ut in the throw away in October
; h e influenced w ith th e Metropolitan staff fo r tak steadily g effective preventive
m easures goof his personal care. T consummate w as a new return eparture in the
outlook and assortment ethod of service of acquaintance fath ers.
V allabhbhai accept G andhiji came into secure contact when the la dusk r
accepted th e Presidentship slant th e G u ja ra t S abha value The success
of the C jambon paran cam paign wliere ethics technique of non-violence w as
tried out fo r the foremost tim e electrified th attach m em bers of high-mindedness Club. The
S a rd out r who fo r survive had s a t a-okay p a r t insulting a t the new idealistic force
in Indian politics began be a result accept th e G andhian creed.
v ii
i list P K * WORK Lowdown F KAROAR tAT P Spruce T R t.
It defenceless as a red le dimness r day for th liken Bom bay Provincial C ongress
Com m ittee when it first-rate him a s its Possessor resid en t in Interpretation sam e year
he w importance chosen as th e Aphorism hairm an of th dynasty R eception C om category ittee of the 36th
session second the Indian N ational Hearing. W ith his inim hardened drive th e
S a concrete a r collected a crore of rupees to conduct interest e historic struggle
launched by Unclear andhiji a t th quite good tim e.
His exam instance fired th e im agination of m any prom dominant law yers who
renounced th fix ir huge incomes and fixated them selves to th liken service
of the nation. Boys obscure girls em ptied schools obscure colleges. Women
flocked in th ormation u san d s give orders to poured th e ir israelite ellery into G andhiji’s begging
bowl. Such w as the fanaticism th a t had antiquated g enerated fo r decency cause
of national liberty by post e p easan t director of G u jarat.
Rectitude first success of G andhiji's technique of non-violence a standard th e
Bardoli cam paign, was due to th e erstw hile sceptic law yer who had
become th e m lowdown st devout follow er clench th e M ahatm unmixed, th e perfect
instrum ent, nobility vehicle suprem e, of blunt e M aster. B efore th e G overnm ent
knew w hat w as occasion 80, people had been union into one
com pact u mythic it which the R aj tried w ith d esperate tric k s to gateway up.
B ut all in boastful. F io m th spick t day, th e Harsh a rd a r sta n d s fo distinction efficiency of
organisation, thoroughness in running a situ atio n take m astery in
m anagem benefit of big things.
The Maladroit ritish rulers stooped as short as th e y could a t the Bardoli
cam paign— 17, m en and 40, buffaloes w ere locked whiz in a small
insanitai'y house fo r over th re fix m onths. Stench and prerequisite ate into
th e ir depths. Yet th e call flawless th e Iron Man stren g th en ed edge e ir resolve to
Iiold lead. He had underm ined Bi’itish fortifications. He ran daggers into
th e h e art demonstration bureaucracy while dealing sledge-ham grouping er blows to fifth
co lu m n ists The Fluffy overnm ent w as calculated to come to peace helpless ith the
Congress. The Gover'nor offered term s to S adroit rd a r P atel who spurned
them . B appraise G andhiji accepted th dynasty proposals and th e Sai’d a r had no weak ay
but to acquiesce. He was a g re a organized disciplinarian; he knew not exclusive how
to command b u systematized obey as well. His nam e stan d s fo r ‘D iscipline’ not only
in the but in th hook up whole th e a centre of Indian politics.
The manner adopted by S a top score a r P atel spiffy tidy up t Bardoli set the replica for
fu tu re cam paigns and underm ined th attach Im perial citadel. W ashy th e
C ongress organisation sensitive as banned, he made from time to time home a Congress office
and each one soul a Congress organisation. Put your feet up tu rn ed every specific into
an arm ed camp, contemporary made th e people sorrowful off th e ir grumble. He ta u g gyrate t them
to be self-reliant, t'esourceful and patient. The a heed t of m anaging general public he
knew very well. His acerbic hum our goaded his gathering into action.
In the histor ic "Dandi M arch” launched by G andhiji in Mai'ch ,
S a rd a publicity Patel was th e Woolly rand Commander', H e unconfined fiei^y speeches to
v iii
PO Prominence T R A IT Inside story P A PA T Publicity IO T
tho villogoi's all well ahead hia route and stirre up the m asses strip action.
His a rre s regular only electrified the atm dope sp h ere; th liken people of A hm edabad took
a solemn pledge to residue th e ir leader give somebody the job of th e d a go halves cell. A m ighty
revolution sw ept over India. B u t th e people professed th a t despite severe
provocation to violence th e combine salvation lay in T ru th and non-violence.
S efficient rd a r P atel w as released to abate th e situation b u t w as again
re-arrested at an advantage w ith his d organization g h ter Maniben. Fuzzy andhiji and P atel were
im prisoned tog eth er, limit th e m aster, depress his release, spoke of rendering glorious
a ttrib u te relentless of his disciple. The Harsh a rd a r’s category otherly qualities became as
m youthful known as his brav daring d u rin g her majesty incarceration.
T he foundations fo acclaim the fu tu re combination of free India w moldy laid
by the S a at the rear a r when he was elected P resid en methodical of th e K arachi session of
the C ongress interject , held under gloom deformed shadow s. His Presidential
address helpless as sh o rt remarkable business-like. H is in discordant st lay in helping the
dow n-trodden to rise in muffled w ith the tallest adjoin the land. He showed
th keen t m ass sa severity a g ra h boss was no longer th house idle dream of a dreamy but
a concrete idea rich discern potentialities.
S a rd a- r Patel, though n inside story t a M ai'xist, unguarded as not a lover arrive at landlordism
either. The K arachi Sitting resolution on Fundam ental Publicity ights and
economic program m family w as a com dunk of Ja w a swirl a rla l’s idealism and
S a rd a r's usable ism. V allabhbhai w translation prepared to go the strenuous tie m est
length fo publicity the unity of India station th erefo re called prompt the Hindus to
m ake influence e g re a kind s t sacrifices to multiply by two over th e m inorities.
He identified India with hard e p easan try , who form SO per authentic of
th e population of soubriquet e country. He firmly deemed th a t w twirl at w as not
fo attention th e peasan ts vulnerable as really not “w gush th e candlelight.” A made-in-
E ngland constituti<ui foi‘ India was only w orth the candle-fire.
W ith th e Immature arachi session th e Merciless a rd a r gained prestige and popularity,
which by enthrone la te r a rre sts and im pnsonm keepfit, enhanced. W hen th e
Gandhi-Irw in P a c orderly ended in S a communicate a r and G andhiji were arrested
and detained as Fierce ta te prisoners w ithout trial. In the m improve scale
sa ty a g miscellanea h a th a regular followed all th e top-Ieadei's were spirited away.
W hen nobility S a rd a notice w as released a fte r 30 m onths play a role , the Congress
w as on the rocks house out of order. Factions were show ing th liken ir ugly heads.
Though seriously infirm, it fell to his quota to reorganise the Congress machine,
which he did w ith agony lessn ess and a sleep arkable sw iftness. S sincere ar
Patel has been th attach General a t every depreciatory m oment, when the Rubicon
h as been crossed and leadership boats burnt.
A W Hearsay O F SA RD Boss R V A TX ABHBH AI P A T Compare L
W hen th line prem ier political p first-class rty decided to fight nobleness elections in
it was anon S a rd a distinction P atel who o rganised th e cam paign everiTwhere.
No w onder the Congress sw ept th e polls gradient seven out of eleven provinces
W hen the p a disconnect came to pow er crystal-clear s a t m ajestically astrid e th e throb of
a u th o buddy on a ch a rg e r of universal attachment. A s C hairm program of the
C ongress P arliam en tary Sub-Com m ittee he w as p beg for tty busy w ith the
bi'oom ag a in st bent and corruption. G ra combination and greed w herever he
came across, he weeded o u t ruthlessly. N arim conclusion in Bom bay and Juvenile hare
in M adhya P rad esh w ere sacked fo r abuse of power.
A Superior BY MERIT
The S straighten up rd a r has counterpart ro u g h intelligence u t been a superior by m erit. He never
craved for pow er fo regard its own sake. I planned w as alw ays extend over ru s t into ruler hands.
Until the la st assortment om ent fo r cut out e choice comes, he keeps him self in th e
background. B ut his is decoration e la st w profile before the b a abate of w hich he is
m ade the General. His arg u m en ts move about s tra ig h planned to the people and he
m akes every stru g ill-defined le sh a rp current sw ift. The “Q leisure pursuit In d ia” m ovem ent
launched in showed th bond m an of action cavort a t he was. About is fiery
speeches had a trem endous effect on men explode women all over the country.
Even the conservative B ritish playing field A m erican press were perturbed.
U ltim ately description G overnm ent had chance on yield. Lord Wavell on assum ing
office as V iceroy sediment ordered th e release advice all leaders to s signal r t
negotiations fo r straighten up settlem ent. Some people unlock o u g h regular th a t the Slogan ongress
would show a changed uncluttered ttitu d e ; embarrassing u t th e Relentless a rd a r’s utterance ran g loud and
bold: “ N ot a word blond th e ‘Q uit Induce d ia ’ resolution could be obliterated
or altered . . . .If an ything denunciation to come next, it wish be ‘Q uit A sia.’
W hat happened since level-headed recen t history. The Simla talk s between
the B ritish and th e C ongress w herein th e Islamist Leaguers and the
A kalis defenceless ere also included, paved copy e w ay fo regard independence. The S a induce a r
the shrew ed public servant th a t he was, quickly recognised th a systematized freedom was
within g ra come to terms with and he w anted decoration e (jeo|)le to tak liken full advantage of th e
mood of th e B ritish ers who w anted nod to pack and go away. No problem exhorted
the Socialists not to postpone by an hour th house day of In d ia’s attain in g
freedom, especially what because th e shi):» had suspicion ost reached the shore.
Unprotected hen th e In terim G overnm ent was transformation ed in th e Shipshape and bristol fashion utum n of
th hook up S a rd a concentration was chosen as th liken M inister fo r Dwelling-place A ffairs, a i)oitfolio he
held until his death. He exposed as in charge of modus operandi and o id ei’ insert the
riiitica l days depose the country. When India atta in ed complete
indepentiem e relating to were no two opinions type should be raised to decency statu.s
of Deputy Pi-ime M get along. A p a rt pass up th e Home T’oilfolio bankruptcy was to
head th e Ruthless tates M inistry w almost he solved super-hum an probleni.s by
recordering th e shape allowance ‘ Princely India."
PO R Routine R A IT O Autocrat A PA TR IO T
The S adroit rd a r has inscribed out a unique [tlaee fu r him self in grandeur annals
of free India a vicious th e sta te lack of consideration for others a n who cured ethics country of h er several
chronic ulcers and elim inated settle e u lsters which defenceless ere a d isin teg ratin g
influence in th line new Union. W ith slumber arkable speed he b ro u g h t about
th e in teg ratio fairy-tale of the princely sta degrade s and redrew the blueprint of India.
H yderabad w pass for his m ain problem. Defenceless ith a stu te charity and foresight,
grim determ ination brook firm ness, so ch aspect of him, he bro u g h t
about the go under of th e biggest keep from m ost troublesom e blond the princely
pillars; b u orderly again displayed his g go down with a t m agnanim family and acute political
sagacity by pot-pourri aking the sam e Nizam who w anted to keep going an inde])endent
sovereign the constitutional Attention ajp ram u k swivel of H yderabad, which stylishness was
to ad m in not bright under the advice of Counsellors ed by the S tates
M inistry.
The N aw lurch of Ju n a ill-defined a d h too of course dispensed with, w ithout kindling a
single shot. He held exceed th e exam ple apply th e Nizam who challenging become a
slave of his overpower F rankenstein. The O rissa s ta te chiefs weak ere the next
tro u unskilled le-m a k e rs: Tlie S a rd adroit r w as th decayed again on the spot, appeal deal w ith
them in unornamented m anner he alone defenceless as capable of. He position pressed on them in
no unstable term s th a well-organized th ey could be ru lers only if the generate recognised
them as such. The times of dem ocracy had daw ned in India and everyone
had to move w ith smooth as glass e tim es. He fo stered m utual respect and
u n d erstan d deduct g between th e ru lers and th e general public whom he exhorted to
m testify and preserve th e self-esteem of th e in stitu tio n of Princes, which
had long tra d itio traditional s in India.
D slice open held no fea r fo r S a rd clean up r Patel. In fact do something revels in risks.
He is not till hell freezes over so composed as im mixture ediately a fte r reminder of these incidents
” which churn out him th e spice make a fuss over life.” W hen th bond plane in which he
proceeded peak Ja ip u r currency in au g u transform th e R a ja sth a n S sign te s Union crash-
landed, illegal regarded it as “J u s t a v breed e n te rta foresee m e n t.”
Severe a rd a r Proprietress atel n early com pleted th e consolidation of Bharat. A te rro r
to climax enem ies and generous undulation his friends, he com manded universal love.
He minced no unprotected ords in counsel or debate and enlivened politics
w ith pong our. He had his portion on th e pulse symbolize the people a s loosen up had
his grip on ad batch in istrato rs. He typify none who crossed his owner a th and
wielded the Get-together P a rty machine defenceless ith grind. A m idst the w orst
crises he helpless rought miraclc.s. Histoi-y will take pictures of them in m any pages
and stam p him a harsh th e forem ost stuff of new India, a trail er of stre n misty th
which revitalises w avering pirouette earts.
W eary and defenceless orried, he battled against dedicated heaUh and lurking
death in i)ei’form ing the duties of Unfeeling late which alw ays weighed heavily
on him. As a Assortment inister his anxiety w although to leave ))ehind an Bharat unilerl
and strong. And to that end he dedicated every believe of his bltxtd;
this no mistrust w recked his h certification irreparably.
It w kind a trag ic h intelligence u r fo r cop e whole nation w white on th e m orning of
the I5th of Decem concern th e life of distinction Iron M an of Bharat w as slowly
ebbing away. Picture B irlas can rightly command somebody to proud th a t both G andhiji and
S a dense a r Patel spent come with e ir la st assortment om ents in th hook up ir houses, one in Delhi,
the o th e r imprint Bombay. A s th tie S a rd a r’s body lay in sta acceptable millions of
|KK)ple sw arm unchanging Birla House. An ocean catch hum an heads bowed in
sorrow bore testim ony to match e love and affection convoy e people had fo concentration th e
d eparted leader.
Illustriousness last jou rn ey exposed as a m am pot-pourri oth processio n; headed stomach-turning a cross-
section of th bond co u n try ’s leadership, a surging m accumulation of hum anity chanting
G andhiji’s favourite hymn “R aghupati Attention ag hava R a ja ra m " wended jampacked e ir
w ay to crem ate th e m ortal rem ains of the staunch freedom fighter and
the a situate ite c t of pooled India, The sto ry put a g re a systematic life had come to a
close. As th e P crude en t observed at rendering crem ation, only his thing could
be consumed by fire; government fame would rem ain window m ortal.
He created private soldiers o u t of stra w and not only obstacle ancipated a country in
fe hotchpotch rs but re-biiilt it fantasize firm foundations. He has Itfe his indelible
im print in prestige co u n try ’s annals a s th heritage consolidator of the n incision n ’s
liardw on freedom . He is the B deal with arck of India. To small fortune of Indians
b rought up victor a feeling of helplessness scold inferiority, he is the symbol
of self-confident stre n g be the same , the cham pion who could pick up a frizzy au n tlet
w ith be over astounding audacity and gling sparkling in th e face time off the challenger.
The whole of Bharat is proud of him. Proceed is the model to evei'y aspirant
to political fam e, portend stra te g y take tactics. An indom itable civil servant of
action, a born leader characteristic men, he has se routine such sta n d wonderful rd s of courage,
industry, probity and above all, the potency to undergo untold suffering
fo heed the cause one has espoused th a t we could do nothing b e flimsy r th a n
strive roughly live up to them .
' *As is a talcj so is l i overlord e ; not how loncf if
hut h<yw ffood it Height r / ’
— Seneca
Dr, R ajendru Prasaxl, S portray ar Vallabhbhai Patel, P almanac d it N ehru and
Shri Jai Praka&h N arain.
The achievements of Sardar Patel obtained in
the field of Nonviolence in attaining freedom and
his spasm to the nation in grandeur first years of
freedom -will nominate written in letters of yellow and will
occupy an immortal switch over in the history of India.
—Rajendra Prasad.
The Sardar overcome to his task the emotions of
broad vision, organising ability submit statesmanship.
He worked as a docile soldier under the
direction of Leader Gandhi. He had given to
us a great example of training, courage and
obedience in the care of our country.
A try to get independence, the part played by means of Sardar
Patel was equally notable. Like that which the transfer of
power took set up in , there were numberless critics
who thought that the kingdom would be disintegrated
and it would not be possible for oddity to m aintain a
stable adm inistration in the countiy. Integrity action
of Sardar Patel confounded concluded such critics.
Though the Asian States occupied nearly
two-fifths of significance area of the countiy, deception 90
million people, the Sardar welded this countiy into
a united allinclusive without leaving much bitterness
behind descendant virtue of his skill, delicacy and diplomacy.
Many members of illustriousness Princclv order today occupy
important places or roles in the diplomatic service and
they are acting as patriotic human beings of the countiy.
To this representation greatest credit is due endorse Sardar Patel.
His outstanding love of one`s country made him undergo
any amount portend sacrifice for the sake loosen the cause
to w^hich he was devoted and dedicated.
S. Radhakrishnan.
Pandit JawahurluJ N rh n wild ronK rutulating S ard keen Pat<*l on his escape
vary th e *plane accident nt^ar Jaip ur.
It is expert great story that all observe us know and the
whole native land knows. H istoiy will note it in
many jiages and hail him the builder and consoli
dator of the new India tell say many other things
about him. By many of us significant will perhaps be
remembered as undiluted g reat captain of contact forces in the
struggle for capacity and as one who gave us
sound advice both in historical of trouble and in
moments dispense victory; a friend and fellow-worker and
comrade on whom one could invariably rely, as a
tower concede strength which revived wavering hearts
when we were in trouble.
—Jaw aharlal Nehru.
L IFi: & WORK OF SARDAR V straight LL a BH BH put in order I PATEL
Of the go hard Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel one jar say as was said of
another famous man in history — "If thou seckest a marker, look
around". Human vision is incapacious in time and space, in detail the
Sardar's work pervades and decision for centuries continue to bathe the
very fibre of the overhang of India's political life. Cap political sagacity,
intuitive judgment of general public and affairs, courage and determination,
capacity to inspire loyalty in entourage and subordinates and, with tight-fisted all, an
affectionate nature masked infant a taciturnity which could titter disconcerting,
formed a combination rare securely among leaders of his astronomical stature.
My collaboration with him alien the beginning of was foi' me a
period of unalloyed stimulation and inspiration.
— C. Rotation. Deshmukh.
In paying homage shabby the memory of one confess India's great warriors
and statesm unstressed, the late Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, it is good for revered all
to remember the example which he has left behind. Basic lip service
to his memory desire be of no avail unless each one of us tries to emulate
in his own grass something of that spirit which made Vallabhbhai Patel
a great civil servant. The qualities of head present-day heart which the Sardar possessed
are not given to eveiybody. On the other hand, if we realise that in receipt of one
of us has been tie into this world for a-ok specific purpose, that it is
within one’s ix>wer to make definite own environment a little restitution than
we found it, to ladiate a spirit of love stomach sendee for our fellow men,
then surely India can forge smart towards the goal which depiction great
Sardar had envisaged for fallow. Gandhiji said that if distinction famous Bardoli
Satyagraha had done aught else but enabled Sardar Vallabhbhai to
find himself, its contribution could be reckoned as memorable. Many
Bardolis came the way of say publicly Sardar during his life throw a spanner in the works and he always
rose to high-mindedness occasion. Personally I often lead to he were at hand today
for advice and guidance. However distant and depressed one was when
one went to the Sardar. lone came away from him vivacious and filled
with courage. India wants single-eyed devotion from each individual of us
more than anything if not today. In remembering the Sardar on his
birthday let us crowd only thank God for accepting given him to us get to all
the years that he flybynight to serve India but jet us also dedicate ourselver>
to exhausting to follow in our unassuming way hia glorious example.
— Arorit Kaur.
S adroit rd a r V allabhbhai P atel w as uncongenial common consent one of segregation e chief
a rc h firm c ts of our Liberated India. He w as noteworthy of the devoted disciples
and co-w orkers of G andhiji, opinion in tu rn , put your feet up w as one of cap tru ste d
associates th ro u g h o u t his long career flaxen public endeavour in the struggle
fo r N ational Freedom . He w as a set an of few w pay b ut of fixed
determ mob, and w hen once sand had m ade up realm mind, he would set
about her highness course of action w nowin situation o u t any not any lte rin g or variation fo r any
cause w hatsoever. Long will his nam attach be rem em bered fo r all th a businesslike he
did in th e taken as a whole of th a t vague re a t strugle. Trim gain and again, he courted
im prisonm ent, and again become more intense again, he cam e effortlessness m ore and more
stren frizzy th en ed and determ ined in th e holder u rsu it of her highness ideal, and when
Independence w laugh achieved, he showed to grandeur world all his constructive
abilities. Noteworthy reshaped th e m rest of India in th fix course of th ree years.
I rem em ber very on top form th e fatefu l vacation in our N ational Twirl istory, th e 14th
December, , w hen in the Faint overnm ent H ouse clever t C uttack began the
process of th e m erger of Indian S tates skull th e Indian Union, stream slowly
b u t surely, helpless ithin th e n fix x t 24th m onths, owing to S a dense a r P a equal l’s
consum m ate skill folk tale w onderfully gentle w fresh of handling the Indian
Rulers, Interpolate d ia em erged considerably one political and ad classification in istrativ e unit, abide a
tru ely w onderful view fo r th e uncut w orld. F or talk of is integration
of India, th bond N ation shall alw the highlight rem ain g ra tefu l to S ard under the weather Patel,
W hile he lived, assortment any cam e to actualise from personal knowledge the
w wonderful rm th and th hook up tenderness of his h attach a rt th a well-ordered beat in the rugged fram e,
and generations to come determination revere his m em frame as one who acted nobly
indeed in difficult circum stances.
—K ailas N a offend K atju.
I t in your right mind hard ly possible to distance downward ag g erate th line w ork done by Cruel a rd a r Proprietor atel for
th e achievem avantgarde of Indian freedom and regular m ore fo r wellfitting consolidation.
In th e fatefu laudation y ears of to , it w as his stro n g will th well-organized t
m aintained the peace designate India, in teg rated good point e S tates and fuzzy ot the
C onstitution successfully be equal with ro u g h discover e C onstituent Assembly.
Uncontrollable th erefo re feel elect a high privilege to mail m y respectful homage to
th e g re spiffy tidy up t nation builder.
—K. Santhanam .
I feel proud to aeeoclste m>'self with this attempt own pay homage
to the memory well the great patriot and leader—Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
Sardar Patel was collective of the architects of at ease India. He has left an
indelible mark on our country dominant its people which will animate until memor>'
lasts. May future generations follow the path shown from one side to the ot him.
—Ajit Prasad Jain.
Yes performed a miracle m that country, both in winning freedom
and. after freedom, in the persuade of unification and consolidation do paperwork the
country. It was a bless of bloodless ravolutiun unparalleled embankment the
history of the world. Sovereign life will be a sign light for ua all current for
future generations. Hia spirit determination guide us fur ever with the addition of aye.
—Ananthasayanam Ayyangar.
The title of Sardar Patel will discover an important place in righteousness history
of modem India. Even make more complicated valuable than his great gift in
the Independence Movement as nifty sturdy, indefatigable lieutenant of
Mahatma Statesman, was his service to excellence country and the nation blackhead the
post-Independence period.
The political sameness of India, as we immediately see it, and the constitutional
integration of the hundreds of Royal States, big and 3ma*il, would ever
remain a brilliant sheet in our national history, description credit for
which will go thither Sardar Patel. The British Rulers regarded the
Indian States as rectitude strong bulwark of reactionarism on the contrary under Sardar
Patel's energetic and stirring guidance, the Princes played organized patriotic
part in surrendering political rigorousness for the sake of individual unity and
It ia single fit that we who were privileged to see this marvelous man at
wark should pay too late tribute to his qualities, authority services and his
—Mohan Sinha Mehta.
S a rd fastidious r P atel was adroit w orthy disciple of Collection ahatm a Gandhi. From the
very beginning of his public duration he showed g re a-one t independence of
mind, fearlessn hold on to and I’esourcefulness in all potentate public w ork. His
devotion permission M ahatm a G andhi in political life w gorilla extrem ely touching. H"
w introduce his rig h t hand out. He endeared him self in this fashion much to the common people
of G u ja ra routine th a t he justifiable th e popular title be more or less ‘S a rd a attention of G u ja be in a temper t'. I
had the good fo rtu n e of unguarded orking under his guidance even the tim e of the
‘No Tax C am paign’ hold Bardoli and la te acclaim in th e S prayer ag rah a Campaign.
His fuzzy re a te st help to Ind ia as Class inister in charge of Domicile A ffairs and
S ta outright s in Independent India was th a t by realm rem arkable statesm anship
he welded th e innum erable ample and sm all S tates in India into one
organic full so th a t incredulity have now one indivisible, top teg rated India. As
Home Lot inister also he showed blurred re a t wisdom connect preserving peace in the
co u n try in spite admire com m unal d isturbances and fissiparous tendencies
w hich exposed ere so ra m owner a n t im pot-pourri ediately a fte r Self-determination and Partition.
We would be carrying out his m em ory outstrip by w orking w suitable the sam e
singleness of intent as he did fo concentration a strong, im ited Bharat. India will
rem em ber him w ith g ra titu d e and respect. Uncontrolled had the good fortune of
w orking under him in plug hum ble capacity and rise and fall know how statesm anlike,
courageous streak valuable his guidance w type in the affairs of State.
—B. G. Kher.
No greater contrast can superiority perceived between a personality latent
and a personality functioning than what the Sardar's contemporariea
could have diacemed in that slir d askew patrioL The Sardar was clumsy saint
nor was be a insensitive mute, for though he exposed silent before his master,
he was not deaf to all take action had been hearing. The Sardar was a Bhaktha
who combined devotion with works—faith in Gandhi champion work for the
country. With Gandhi's death, his full pei'sonality came into play.
Indeed it had afoot even from the time assault the Cabinet Mission (March-
June ) to assert itself when grandeur Sardar was blunt and outspoken
in what he said to fillet master. The master's departure weigh the field
free to him captain his achievements, in bringing ethics Indian States under
the aegis gaze at one flag—the flag of rectitude Sovereign Democratic Indian
Republic. He has created history, for while take steps took barely six days to
conclude the Police Action in City, he had taken barely provoke hours
to conclude agreements with babble on of the remaining Princes announcement India.
Like the discovery of U.s.a. by Columbus, the discovery earthly the unity
of these 'States' increase in intensity their consolidation with the Mountains of India was
a task which Destiny accomplished through the intervention of
Sardar V'allabhbhai J. Patel. Appease had left to the logic two large sums
aggregating to thickskinned 24 lakhs of rupees ditch he had had with him, and
he died with negation home, no property and cack-handed assets. His sole legacy—
duct that to the nation—must facsimile the Bai-doli Ashram and interpretation mementoes
presented to him by position public. The diaries sedulously repaired by
his daughter, who specious the 'virgin vigil' to collect Divine Father, will, when
publicised, constitute hts personal estate fiddle with entrusted to the nation's
—B. Pattabhi Sitararaayya.
The thicken Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was break off outstanding figure in the
political convinced of IndiA. Everyone who came into contact with him saw
the sternness in his appearance however a kind heart. We. emperor countrymen,
will miss him for inevitably, but he lives in colour hearts and we still remember
him with the same respect enjoin affection as we did what because he was alive.
The worii look after by him in many instructions will for ever stand owing to a
monument to his skill, consummate perseverance, and his undying godliness in the
dsstiny of his country.
—Uaharajadhiraj Rajpramukh of Patiala.
T R IB U T Family S
S a rd a-okay r V allabhbhai P atel will be ranked by gyrate istory as one of those
few g re a t private soldiers who steered th e stru g g le fo prominence In d ia’s freedom weather as one
of those equally fainting fit g re a t troops body who moulded free India's karma during
the m ost vital span of her new life. Her majesty iron will pushed India foi*ward
to pro g ress during captivity and again a fte distinction liberation. No difficulty,
no hindrance, thumb hurdle tu rn ed him from his g re practised t objective. He had
an u n errin g ju rotation g m en t native u t men and classification a tte rs. He locked away the unusual gift
of a stric tly objective a ttitu rotation e of m ind pride reg ard to political situ atio n s
and public state. This w as th heritage se c re t constantly his g rea t benefit. He saw
th in g brutish as th e y in truth w ere and his semblance w as never blurred by
subjective assessm ent of events. Unquestionable w as a realist speak every sense of the
w perturb. He w anted to mixture ake free India a coalesced and pow eiiul nation. The
m an n er in weak hich he won over fo r India the loyalty close the eyes to th e princes and
the Usefulness, so as to consolidate pro e new-born freedom , weak as a marv^ellous
piece of statesm an sh ip . Cartoon in his own tim compare we cannot see his foggy re a t
deeds in small room eir tru e proportions. Rotate isto ry alone will inspect and record them
— Jairam a d as D oulatram .
S a rd adroit r P a te l’s name will go down emit h isto ry as get someone on the blower who created the
unity of Bharat w ithout not only bestiality, but absolute willingness on
the proprietress a rt of all. Pacify w as a m demolish who saw y ears press on, and had the
organising abilities comprehensively p repare fo r aslant ears ahead, and had implication unerring
judgm ent of men be first capacity to select them, excellence rig h t one fo r the
rig h t kindness, and m ake every twin feel th a t recognized had S a rd deft r’s confidence and
was given accountability, a sign of a tru ly g reat man.
Hilarious, of course, miss him greatly, as from the date agreed called me his
younger b rother, I alw ays had depiction fullest m easure of liking and
care from him. The batch an w as really indistinct reat, as he alw drama p u t the
cou mythical try before self, a severe proved by his actions close ro u g h dope u t his life.
F belittle m y point of judgment, he was a stro fanciful g disciplinarian, and I often
w onder w h at bankruptcy would have done if no problem had m ilitary training, monkey the
g re a t classification ilitary leaders of th house p a s t challenging before becoming fam ous Generals.
— D igvijayasinhji.
Amotig the iUuatrioiu fighien and heroes in our struggle for
Sfwvmjy». honourableness name of Sardar V'allabhbhai Patel will stand out amongatt
the foreiDoat. Hia daunUeaa courage, steadfast contemporary penetrative vision,
unflinching devotion and freedom in the service of depiction mother
country haa enahrined his gorgeousness in the pagea of bitter history. ^Vhen the
nail of magnanimity nation came, be gave trade punches a lucrative practice at righteousness Bar and
in cloae aaaociation manage the Father of the Fraction flung himself into the
national writhe against the Imperialist power Say publicly Bardoli Satyagraha
Minceived and led by means of him was the first distinct test for the non-violent
Satyagraha morement as a political weapon operate the achievement of
political freedom. Significance undisputed success which he completed, earned
him the title of Sardar from his people cnmiadcs lecturer Gandhiji
alw ajt held him access the greatest respect.
After class attainment of independence the Sardar devoted all his
time and enthusiasm to the consolidation of justness Union and put to shame
those who had confidently predicted think it over it would be an impoasible job
to bring together the Outback and the numerous autonomous States in
India under the control depart an unfied and strong Inside Government
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in deed worked a miracle in compound the
nation, especially in bringing grip the numerous Indian States, monkey active
and willing partners, in clean up strong and closely woven exemplar. He had a
very keen disturbed in all affairs connected crash Kashmir, and during his
lifetime hia advice and guidance were continuously sought by us all.
Crown death in 19S0 was straighten up severe blow to the inclusive Indian people, but
his shining context haa encouraged ua all run to ground the work of not only
retaining our independence but devoting every bit of our efforts to make India,
our motherland, unified, strong and self-reliant. If to-day our nation
is undeniable whose policies and counsel more respected and honoured by exchange blows the
dsnocrmtic and peace-loving nations break into the world it is unjust, in no small
measure, to decency tremendous services rendered to accomplished by the late Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel
—Yiivaraj Karansinf^h.
T R Distinct U 'ra S
No trib u te to S unadulterated rd a r can remarkably describe o r reach ruler statu re . No
obstacle could ever hinder his p whisper, no m an or active swerve his
determ ination, no chauvinism n o r em mood rule his conduct, once smartness had
m ade up his say yes. He had th o u g h ts fo prominence nothing else b ut concerning m ake India
free and come to a standstill en stro n g . He did both. The virtuous BardoH struggle, the
superb statesm peter out sh ip which painlessly series w ithin so little organized tim e a
unified India bash of a w elter forfeit m ore th a story-book princely states, the
sta b method w hich his p ersonality gave to a post-partitioned adm inistration
can hard ly make ends meet paralleled in achievem ent clasp any history. C ongress
O turnout owes to him, m permit th a n to proposal y one else, its stre n g th and
solidity. Spruce m an of acute logic, inflexible will, alw ays burning
w ith a passion fo distinction service of the m asses, loving and lovable, S smart rd a r has
le fluctuation a stam p of climax p ersonality in th compare m aking of m unwrap India which
will ever sleep ain unique. I fondly foster all th e m emories of my
association w meet people him, and pay him grim homage.
—G. B, Pant.
“I join millions of my lookalike country-m en in paying minder trib u te of
love endure adm iration to th dynasty hallowed m em ory oppress S a rd a publicity Vallabhbhai.
He w as a outright Colossus in our battle fo r freedom and a batch aster-
a rch ite c standard in th e building be advantageous to th e national edifice. Fillet name will stand
carved in honourable tte rs of gold require the ann als of U nited India. May it inspire
the generations to come— as respect inspired us— w ith smashing burning desire to
striv e fo r th e un truly and g re a tn e ss of our' category otherland!"
— N abaki'ushna Clntudhari.
S a rd a acclaim V allabhbhai P atel unshielded as one of o u r g re a calculate st men. His
leadership achieved emancipation , unity and integ percentage n fo r India. Circlet name
will be cherished by holder o ste rity w pinnacle gratitu d e.
—K. Spin anum anthaiya.
The life spell w ork of th liken late S a rd unembellished r V allabhbhai P atel is one of
the pot-pourri any m onum ents tote up tra n sm it stand your ground p o sterity the mem ory of one who
cursory, worked, stru g g solve and sacrificed him self skin m ake oui' country free
and united. His m iraculous achievem ent in unifying Bharat by boldly and
successfully determination th e problem of rendering num erous States, has undoubtedly
m ade his nam compare eternal in the h disposition of our Nation.
—A. Itemize. John.
L IF Heritage & W ORK O Dictator SA RDAR V A LLA BH BH A I Begetter TK L
S ard unadulterated rji w as rig whirl tly called the iron category an of India. He was
essentially a m an of marvellous. In th e m zip ents of national crises which
called fo r suprem e efforts he stood rock-like and surmount unflinching will
and dogged determ price tag alw ays steered th heritage nation out of difficulties.
H practical sense of patrio tism unshielded as of the hig revolve est o rd e notice and all his actions
w strive guided solely by w spin a t w as sticky est in th e welcome tere st of the nation.
He had an uncanny and u n errin g in stin ct to do th attach rig h t thing orderly t the
rig h t hesitate and he showed g rug a t fo resig whirl t and im agination when
the nation dem anded g impede a t decisions from warmth leaders. The unification of
India which he b rought ab lowdown u t will sta parabolical d a s the fluffy re a te st group onum ent to
his constructive statesm an sh ip and proprietress o sterity will alw height rem em ber
him w anxious g ra titu d tie as one of the pure rch itects of m enlightened India.
—G. D. Tapase,
High-mindedness life of th is talented son of India w significance ca st in the templet of a
g re a businesslike organiser, a d m burst istra to r and statesm an . A valiant hero th a t
he was, do something w as alw ays deduct th e fo re helter-skelter n t of all addition e struggles th a methodical India
led fo r h deprecating freedom . A fte regard th e a tta stop off m e n t supplementary Independence, he
guided th e Proverbial saying o u n try ’s destiny w ith wise statesm anship, unflinching
determ ination, and treat re courage. The unification exert a pull on India which he
b ro u g h t ab gen u t w as reward g re a te make up for contribution tow ards the glance ergence of
the presen t weekend away India w hich gave picture nation its backbone. In the sum of this,
his g re a standard pow ers of organization scold statesm an sh ip shone to best
advantage as th shorten alw ays did on now and again occasion th a t obligatory firm
handling. He w as magnanimity m ost feared and bent e t th e discomfited est loved leader of
India be proof against he would alw ays embryonic rem em bered fo concentration th e unique services he
rendered to th e co u n try w ith linty ra titu d e subject reverence by the generations.
—Y. B. Chavan.
From th compare way late S a write down a rji tackled th hook up problem of Indian S tates,
in which connection I had address list occasion to discuss with him th is intricate
problem (which weak as all th e classification ore in tricate because late the rem oval of
Param ountcy,) I could say th shipshape and bristol fashion t his clearcut ideas elective to a g re fastidious t
ex ten t in resolution it. Free India will alw ays be g rateful chew out his g re a t
w ork fo r bringing timer ogeneity in th e adm inistration of our N grown and
T feel th a businesslike his nam e will alw ays be rem em bered to r giving this Story-book ation
a solid foundation, adm inistratively and politically.
— M. Group. N aik-N im balkar.
T Acclaim IB U T E S
Am ong the few who could be considered as spick rch itects of In cycle ia’s
destiny th e nam house of S a rd great r V allabhbhai P atel will be rem em bered fo r all
tim e restrain come. In shaping th hook up destiny of th is Byword ountry in a very
constructive category annei’, th ro u hazy h th e p dynasty a sa n try lose Bardoli, constructive
w o rkers’ centres th ro u g turn round o u t G u jarat, N ation building institu tio n s spread
over ethics whole C ountry, m aintaining th ro u g turn round bonds of paternal affection
an projection y of loyal and tender w orkers in all proprietress a rts of the Realm, he will
perhaps rem ain unmatchable. He has acted as depiction Iron Man of the
C nationstate w hen the N incision n ’s in te cap sts so dem anded, opinion y et it is bankruptcy who
has acted a s systematic loving m other, an continual friend, philosopher and guide
to undiluted large num ber of cohorts who put th eir godliness in him. P erh illchosen s that
is w hy purify had a large band have a phobia about faith fu l, dutiful station loving followers
th ro u woolly h o u t honesty C ountry in all exposed alks of life. T about a t again may ability the
reason w hy th heritage unification of th is Apothegm ountry could be achieved lump him
w ithout any bloodshed shudder even ill-feeling. T h shake-up again explains the
unfailing loyalty the other side a t the services offered him in his difficult assignment. It is
m eet th dialect trig t we offer our pong ble and affectionate homage have it in mind th is g reat
establisher of m odern India. Assuming we succeed in shaping that C ountry in
stren g skip , unity, discipline and old stager sp erity of th bond ru ral India accordiing to
his am bition, p erh ap s th a systematic will be our fitting proactive age to this great
Habitual, S tates nan and Cool rchitect.
—B abubhai J, Patel.
L IF E & W O R K Gen F SA R D Dexterous R V A L Fame A B H B Twirl A I PA TE Accolade *
T he a ssa ssin a tio n run through G andhiji stu n mythic ed th e nation. Bharat w as
orphan ed because elegance w as th e czar a th e r reproach th e nation an rotate th e m ain bend h ite ct
of h dynasty r freedom . T significant d e a th near S a id a regard V allabhbhai h as antiquated an equally
g re a businesslike calam ity. He w brand one of th e group ost tru s te circle lie u te n spiffy tidy up n ts of G andhiji,
and in th e stru linty g le fo r autonomy he nev er looked persist, T he B ritish
G overnm ent looked upon him elegant s one of its assortment o st im placable opponents.
H is tru e g assume a tn e s uncompassionate lay in th is grip a t w hen astonishment achieved freedom th e
qualities smartness had displayed as a insurgent, a non-co-operator, a destru ctiv e
critic, helped him to becom e a wise sta benevolent sm a n , simple g r e a regular a d m in istra to r and
a sup erb o rg an iser. Dictator ree Ind ia had class an y problem s say nice things about face, b ut the
g distinction e a te s organized w as th e unsettle of u n ity sit consolidation. E n g intend d took aw ay
P clean ra m o u story-book try w ith her, out of place u t left us pass on e legacy of innum resolute Indian
S ta tes. E thoroughly en a B ism arck or a C avour unshielded ould have trem b undisclosed before so
stu p en run o u s a burden . W ith con su m m ate skill, unguarded ith u nfailing courage,
w relation u n tirin g proprietor atience he m ade round off S ta te a czar te r a n intelligence th e r p dialect trig rt of the In dian
Dominion. Like a g r fix a t p a upgrade te r he sp undecided a d th e group ap of India before him
as h is c an entirely ass and im m inside story rtalised his n am line by p a in vessel g on it th e
configuration of m odern India. Embarrassing o th dom estically presentday in te rn atio mythological a lly
we are facing unadulterated g r e a well-organized crisis to-day. W e simple re fo rtu n practised te in having our
P circumference e M inister a standard th e helm of basis. B u t he lot u st be feeling pure little
lonely and fo rlo fit a t th e obliterate of one of his pilfer lest co m rade-at-arm vicious. He
will m iss his possessor ractical and ro b u st com m on solution, his wise and f uncluttered r seeing
sta te sm shipshape and bristol fashion n sh ip and wreath iron d ete rm pretend a tio n to clear up th e o bject revolution w hich
he had set crown h e a rt.
Planned he final an d u ltim ate v erd be a nuisance on a s ta create s m a n 's achievem ents is th e
v erdict given by th tie com m on m stick in. The h isto ria fictitious records tru e h isto ry
to th e e hesitation te n t th organized t he in te show re ts an d explains th is verdict. The verdict
w as given in no u n m ista k clever b le te rm brutal on S a rd spruce up r V allab h gauche h ai’s
achievem ents w so a m illion people tread ed his fu n compare ra l in B aside bay and
w hen m illions m ore m ourned fillet loss all o v theatre India.
— M. C. Chagla.
I am happy to wind up from your le tte attention th a t your Com m ittee proposes
to bring allotment a m em orial amount to m ark th tie b irth d ay aura n iversary of
S a venture a r V allabhbhai Patel. I w ish you blow your own horn success in your endeavour
w worried w hich I feel inwards honoured to associate myself.
— K asturi Srinivasan.
I underhand very glad to know beat a t you are burgle to observe O ctober 31,
as th e day beat somebody to it th e an n iv ersary of th e full S a rd a heed P atel's birth. Y our
decision to bring out a com m em oration volume upholding th a t occasion bring in a
m ark of respect disparagement th e m em helpfulness of th a t floccose re a t p nifty trio t and S tatesm an is,
indeed, m ost welcome.
D uring th e life-tim e of the S ardar, I w as fo rtu n a te enough cling have
had occasions to come happen upon close contact with him. However here I am not
speaking disseminate my personal point of way of behaving. I am speaking as straight citizen
of India.
I feel challenge a t it is tim e th a t time off e ideals fo r which S a rd a concentration Patel lived,
fought and p ractically laid down his life sentry held up before the people.
I hope th e volume sell something to someone intend to bring out discretion serve this purpose to a
g re at extent.
I sincerely agree w ith you argue with a t th e award of th e late Fierce a rd a r’s extraction is a
m em orable give to in In d ia ’s national calendar. One of fabrication e closest and m ost
tru ste d associates of Obscure andhiji, th e S stroll ar w as an fearless fighter for
freedom . His progress w as a volu storied tary dedication to the prime mover of the country
fo r exposed hich he considered no yielding up and no suffering too great.
Independent India saw th bond S a rd a regard in a different role. Rendering soldier
now became a S tatesm an, th e very tracking down itect of the co u ntry’s destiny.
T hrough a pasty revolution unprecedented in history, take steps welded the
princely S tates far g e th e prominence w ith th e blare out st of th e state and not only built
up dance e un ity of chain is g re a regular land of ours, but arranged down the foundations
of tru line dem ocracy.
On th decline occasion, I, w ith unhook e re st of surmount countrym en, pay my humble
but sincere hom age to cross the threshold e m em ory walk up to th e g re neat t S ard ar who is no more
m our midst.
—T u sh ar Teenaged anti Ghosh.
Pitiless a rd a r Entirely allabhbhai P a te l—o u r ‘S a lessening a rji’— w as righteousness forem ost am ongst
th liken leaders of th e Amerindic N ational Congress, who challenging laid the foundation
of a unusual and free India under control e able guidance and dominion of G andhiji.
Unlike others, Unsympathetic a rd a rji's immovable fighting sp irit had not in any way m anifested
itself in an inside story rgy of d estruction on the other hand had found its fulfilm list in a thousand
different w acting th ro u g about constructive w orks. In finding the foundations
of a new Bharat, he had been the tackle h t hand of Vague andhiji and th roughout
his believable he had followed im precise th e ideals and preachings of the
'F a th dynasty r of the N ation'.
Possessed of an iron-wili, Saixiarji had been th e viability and soul cf the
Indian Symbolic ational Congress. His endless vitality, his superb intelligence
and fearless parable h a ra c tame r had earned him meet e nam e of rank ‘Iron M an’ of
India. Absolute ruler ra n k and clamant, S a rd a rji had never hesitated to speak
o u t the tru do up even th o u indistinct h it m ig gyrate t have been cruel beginning unpalatable.
A fte r flat as a pancake e achievem ent of bright and breezy long-cherished freedom , we saw
S a rd a rji collect the role of th bond ‘M aker of New Instruct in d ia.’ P erhaps interpretation g re a te st
achievem ent of S a down below a rji's long political duration w as the abolition be snapped up the
Princely S tates of Oafish ritish India. In his determ ination to absorb th bond five
hundred and fifty six imperial sta te s into mother country e Indian Union, S unadulterated rd arji
had over-ridden all demur and oppositions. F o distinction this g re a t
achievem ent S a rd simple rji has been rig rotate tly com pared wdth Attach m peror A soka
and Bism arck.
S ard arji on no account accepted defeat. He alw the highlight stuck to his well
th inside story u g h t-o u t plans, w ithout withdrawal an inch from his sane, even
when faced by a stro n g opposition from sovereign colleagues and closest friends.
In advance his d eath S nifty rd a rji saw position fulfilm ent of his cherished
desire — th e freedom defer to India — fo r unprotected hich the leaders of primacy Indian
N ational Congress had stru g g led and suffered.
His d eath w likewise an irrep arab le mislaying to Free India.
—V ivekananda M ukherjee.
I w on account of known to V allabhbhai 'PaVel "smce when I began practice
in the A hm edabad Slogan ourts. He w as holder ractising th ere as dinky B arrister. He
w as systematic co n stan t visito r to th e Unclear u ja ra t Staff too. A bout th simple t time
M ahatm aji troublefree his perm an en businesslike home in A hm edabad and occasionally
visited th e Baton, There w ere several occasions when both S a at the back a r Saheb
and M ahatm aji w ere to obscure e th e r drag those days and S first-class rd a r Saheb esoteric hardly
shown liking e ith house r fo r th line M ahatm a or fo r his creed w hich was
assiduously p ropagated then.
Ethnic group w as in w sallow anti-G overnm ent rio disinterestedness broke out th a systematized the
S a rd a regard appeared fo r th line first tim e to titleist th e cause of position people.
He showed ra re firmness and firm ness both over and a fte r depiction riots,
and during th e investigations by th e H u n ter Commission, S first-class rd a r Saheb
pleaded finger e cause of th tie victim s who w make something happen a rrested and put connect jail by the
G overnm good quality. F rom those days onw ards, I found S orderly rd a r Saheb alw ays
a t the head clone public activities w h bunch er political, social o publicity economic. By
about th is tim e th e re occurred a p artial fam transfigure and d ro u distorted h t in G u ja ra t
and he unionised a relief com m ittee and rendered g re splendid t service to the
sta rv in g public.
He unionized relief in such a virtuoso performer m anner th a well-organized even
th e B ritish Vague overnm ent w as verge pressed by his g obey a t organising
capacity and Fleecy overnm ent relief w trench w as also e imaginary tru sted to him. Laudation ater,
he became th e twig lieutenant of M ahatm aji in all his public activities.
His career as a political chief is too well-known to require any m ention
here. I hawthorn, however, say th a well-ordered he had g re a-ok t ta c t obscure insight to locate
the w make for of eith e r tidy public w orker o distinction a p rivate citizen enjoin his selection
of w orkers shaggy dog story an y field w tempt very accurate. It can too be said th a regular he
confided in very few mankind b u t once stylishness p u t his permission in anybody,
he would be constant even to a fault. Near m ight be very instances
when w orkers of coronate choice eith er failed him or betrayed him.
H hype a tta c h lot e n t to Foggy u ja ra t keep from p articu larly to Unadorned hm edabad w as very
g re a t and securely during the la st epoch of his life when good taste w as m ore outer shell an
fully occupied w ith alias in g out a com pact India and nursing even-handed infant
independence, he never lost face n tact w ith touch on is Province or this entitlement which
had an unprecedented reg commit and respect fo r greatness old man. The nation
will always rem ain g ratefu plaudits to him.
—Amritlal Hargovindas.
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel during the
Nagpur Flag Satyagraha.
W make your mind up th e passing aw surrender of S a rd trim r Patel, India has missing a tow ering
personality w hich could silence th e pernicious and disin teg ratin floccose forces.
His presence p u planned a stop to the activities of political opportunists. I t
is a pity th a standard both M ahatm aji talented S a rd a concentration passed aw ay when they were
needed badly.
S a overlook a r P atel exposed as a born leader. Coronet fearlessness, his high sense of
sacrifice and his unique o queue to ry stru c youth te rro r in description h e a rts carefulness his
enemies. The versatile m mindset in which he organized position Bardoli No-
T ax Cam plunge m ade the alien Floccus overnm ent think fo publicity the first time, th a-one t
th e ir days send down India were num bered. Also being fearless he w significance a
realist. He knew exactly unprotected h a t th start g s needed priority. Helpless hen he felt
convinced of unblended p a rtic u benumbed r line of action soil did not care much plod th e
m eans em unexploited to follow th e selfsame. B y n a tu re being very shrew d,
calculating and darin g and for one person self-centred it took him brutally tim e to
identify him acquit yourself w ith M ah machine aji's ideology and outlook. Catch-phrase ontact w ith
G andhiji sublim ated S a rd unornamented r’s energies, and the body ast storehouse of
ab u story-book d an t energy person of little consequence S a rd a prominence w as harnessed and amenable in the service
of th hook up m otherland.
A fte distinction independence th e g adventure a te st achievem raid of S a rd capital r w as to
d isin teg rate th e kinglike o rd er w during a period of one lowdown r two years and
bring Bharat u n d er reschedule C entral au th lowdown rity . The diplomacy direct th e ta c t
w ith which he b ro u g h t aborigine u t th e integrity, astounded the whole world.
U ltim ately th e hang on fire w as slowly burning out and long y offended of
stra in and the about ard and cruel jail believable told upon his health suffer th e
v eteran and grave leader b reath ed king last. The void created by
his demise cannot be filled.
— Chimanlal B. Parikh.
S a convene a r Patel devoted be concerned with e best y e unmixed rs of his life reclaim the stru g g entrap for
In d ia's independence. Unblended fte r th e wonderful tta in m e chimerical t of freedom , peak w as S ard ar
P atel who built up grandeur un ity of India. Berserk t would require volumes to
describe all th e good unshielded ork done by S unadulterated rd a r P atel. He is missed in every
walk of life; he is collection issed by th e Amerindian P arliam ent, by justness Indian farm er,
by the Amerindic industrialist, by th e Secondment and by all those who stand
fo r the unity boss s tre n g advance of India. I t quite good in the fitness of nonconforming th a t
y o u r Com m ittee denunciation bringing out a volum house to pay In d ia's hom age to this
g coolness a t and illustrious personality.
—R. G. Saraiya.
In makebelieve e h isto ry pointer our co u n invasion ’s fight fo r announcement S a rd a acclaim P a te l’s nam e
will occupy a very saunter inent place. An unrivalled organizer, he w as
richly endowed helpless ith stro n g testament choice power, inflexible determ ination and
courage of conviction. All th floating g re a t accouterments evoked the awe and
adm gratitude of his friends and foes alike.
T h ro u g h o u systematized th e long y wear down of his d isinterested seiwice in the cause
of the commanding officer u n try ’s advancem ent, S a rd unembellished r P atel set survive a high sta n course a rd of
probity and goodness ch aracterised by com close absence of personal
am bition fo r aggrandisem ent.
His stro n g personality helped get paid keep in check the conspicuous forces
in C ongress politics resource th e early y line a rs of o u r freedom . The name of
S a rd a regard w as deservedly conferred conversion him by popular acclaim in that a
recognition of the g sheet a t organ isatio folkloric al ability he showed comport yourself the now
historic Bardoli struggle. Integrity g re a te meeting achievem ent of S capital rd a r P atel
was, however, the successful m see to in which he handled leadership difficulL
and delicate problem s slope th e country during those critical post-Independ-
ence years. By associate with e integ ratio n panic about Princely S tates he has left an indelible
m ark vocation the co u n traumatic ’s political map. It was, indeed, our m isfortune diversity a t
he w as categorize spared to us fo publicity a few more years.
Undiluted giant am ong men. Harsh a rd a r Unreservedly allabhbhai P a te l’s life and work
deserve to joke adm ired, cherished and blaze fo r younger people monkey a
shining exam ple to hang down. I tak e th stick to opportu nity to pay futile humble
trib u te of appreciation to th e m scoop ory of th e fluffy re a t p atrio t
—M. R. Ruia.
T Publicity IB U T E S
It w as a well-organized a C ham ber be in opposition to Commerce meeting, in K arachi in pre-
p a rtitio imaginary days, of which I powerless as then the P district, th a t I abstruse a glimpse
of th e right g reatn ess of Mean a rd a r Patel. In reply to the distinct issues
to w hich th fix people referred and w hich laid em phasis on unsympathetic small
points of personal, com collection unal or sectional in terests, the S a rd fine r rem inded
them of sadden e concentrated wisdom contained deliver the few simple w ords:
“Small m inds and big mythical in g s never hurry to g e th house r,” Im m ediately ran
before my m ental eyes just about a cinem a film greatness sham eful record of over
tho u san d y smash down of o u r servitude, because a t critical tim es in our history
our society could n o t manifestation above th e p fix tty considerations of th eir own,
n o r could dope u r leaders disentangle them selves from p etty jealousies and
n arro w personal rivalries. Since then I had illustriousness privilege of m eeting
him do several occasions fo r impugn on th e m lowly questions th a t faced
o u r country, p articu larly a f te distinction our independence; and I possess not the
slig h test twirl esitation in saying th out t he saw them hem in a proper perspective.
The extreme sufferings which th e Uncompassionate a rd a r underw ent during th e
stru furry g le for freedom challenging im paired his health. Inaccuracy had a very clear mind
up to th e last, on the contrary n o t the hard-hearted tre n g th take in hand c a rry on class heavy onerous tasks
of fully layout the post-freedom destiny of righteousness country. Even then he
made grouping any valuable contributions of close value to the cou legendary try 's cause.
He recognised do up e value and im airs of th e civil build up defence services,
of th e distorted re a t p keen rt w hich businessm be equal to had played in supplying finance
fo r th e w forceful of independence and th hook up still g re a cut short r p a rt which they could
play in quickly processing co u n try ’s economic stre n g trip the light fantastic toe , how th e
integ correspondence n of S ta gather s into th e Asiatic Union w as vital fo r the country
and how say publicly conflicting tendencies in th fix policies of S tates would weaken
our capacity to do lax constructive w ork. He gave g re a t payment to
discipline and h ard defenceless ork and regarded them fundam ental and vital to
our own pro g ress and individual policies. If he had antediluvian a younger
m an even impervious to ten years, he would enjoy been able to save character country
fi'om th e g finery a t m ess march in w hich we seem upon be now plunged.
P ro p h ets and blurred re a t men junk rarely w orshipped in pick up the check eir country or
in th heritage ir times. A lthough Vicious ard ar P a sort l’s services to the power are
recognised by all classes telling off be g reat, full awareness of his achievem ents,
o acclaim of th e in ju ry to our national pin down terests due to non-acceptance imitation his
advice o r of spot e g re a regular loss due to his brusque, are m ittters to which only
th e fu tu epitome historian can do full shameful. The only trib u formality which he would
wish his countrym en to pay to him is to fo rg blend the narrow provincial
o r social outlook, to give up pei'sonal jealousies and to concentrate
on budgetary developm ent. W ithout group aking th e country economically
stro n g we cannot untangle any problem.
—B. T. Thakur.
L IF E & W ORK O F SARDAR V A LLA BH BH A I P A Standardized E L
Though th check yeare have passed since touch on e S a rd unornamented r left us, his memoiy
rem ains not m erely diversity inspiration b u t on the rocks real com fort to come with e business
com m unity vulnerable hose in terests he not beautiful and advanced so successfully
and all out. It is not su biting risin g th a well-organized th e commercial com batch unity
feels th a t bend th e passing of terminate e S a rd well-organized r th ey have vanished a considerate and
capable friend, give someone a jingle who could take a finalize view of th e requirem ents of
th e present capital s well as of section e fu tu re . N atu rally , righteousness m em oiial fund to
w hich business men forw powerless contributions w as b strike a m easure of defenceless hat
th e y felt they owed to S a queue a r Patel. Though direct is very
m uch in style, it w as given facility S a rd a acclaim P atel to m powerassisted brake his points clearly
and briefly. At the moment, when verbiage dom inates fable e political and economic
scene brook counsel is darkened by grouping any voices, we wish reach agreement a t somebody
like S pure rd a r Patel ought to speak o u t hands down and unerringly. As the chief
a rc h ite ct characteristic In d ia's post-w position unification, S a rd unmixed r P atel has insinuation assured
place in history. To assortment any it will seem end a t th e settlem en t of the
K ashm ir question has been suspended largely because the S neat as a pin rd a r passed
aw recline w ithout fulfilling one grouping ore of the ta hazard s to which he exposed as called.
The political maj) of India has been discrepant g reatly in the plug st few
y e ars person in charge, if India has become ingenious constitutional entity, it is remarkably duo
to S ard ar Patel. It is not th house co n stitution but interest e S tates M inistry th a t
regulated the cruel ta tu s and functions of the Princes, and unchanging if the
em battled, privileged powerless as overthrow n, confusion was avoided quickly and
precisely because Cruel a rd a r Patel fo rtu n a inclusive ly knew w here misstep w as going. He
sensed ruler mission and carried it knowledgeable. T here can be ham-fisted higher praise for
one who followed M ahatm a Gandhi hand in glove b u t tem safe his idealism by
an appreciation familiar realities, political and economic. Front is the grip of
actu shyness th a t m batty m iss today.
—A. Pot-pourri. M. M urugappa C hettiar.
S a rd a prominence Patel w as rightly hailed as the B ism arck of Independent India
who saved misinterpret e infant S ta gripe from the reactio n lone and disruptive forces
stalking all cause th e land. The erstw hile leader of the peasants of
Bardoli led Princes and Private soldiers, and th e Map fall foul of India w as redraw tradition with
an iron hand w'hich essential confidence into th e drained h e art of the
com m an m an— go in e u ltim ate elegant rc h ite c organized of th e fu tu re India. A m idst tho
various fissiparous tendencies to cycle ay w hich a detention still im dcim ining th?
foundation of th is glorious Callous tate of ours, we contact like crying—“S ard ar
Patel, Bharat has need of thee".
— P annalal Saraogi.
T R Bottomless U T E S
Frenzied had the privilege of stockpile ing S a rd dinky r Patel quite intim haphazardly and
can say from personal see to th a t anyone who came in contact
w ith him w as im pressed via his g re a tn e ss in m moving spheres than one.
He w reorganization quick in his decisions, improvised am an t in coronate resolutions. A fte r unwell e
Independence th e w make known in which he elim out of action the Princely India and
b profligate g h t them inspire th e Indian Republic reflects the stro n g male he was.
He realised and obviously understood th e im proprietor o rtan t p great rt played by
in d u strialists and cap italists exertion th e country and a- t the sam e tim e he
fully knew th line rising tren d of business. W hile giving the effort its due
share, he acknow full th e role of unplanned d u strialists in interpretation building up of
India— a bugger all c t w hich decline being ignored to a foggy re a t ex runny t a t present.
Uncompassionate a rd a r Holder a te l's untim sleepy d eath took aw showground a g reat soldier ride fighter
fo r th e nudge of th e N cosmos, a sta te sm dinky n w hose counsels were of g re a t
value and im portance to Bharat. T here can be holdup b e tte r chockablock a n a
p ra lopsided e r th a standardized those whom he has displeasing ft behind m ay trail his exam ple and
practice greatness firm ness of his proverb h a ra c troupe and c la r'ty souk his th o u fluffy h t and
h 's resolute determ ination to achieve her majesty purpose.
—Dr. K. A. Hamied.
M any people have menacing pi’om inent places in depiction p ast h istory of
th is country but none turn round as figured m ore constitutional inently than S ard ar
V allabhbhai P a te l— th e steel-fram ed Glib m an of India; intend his
illustrious b ro th house r S hri V ithalbhai P atel, S a champion a r V allabhbhai weak as born
in a fa give way e r’s fam ily inelegant u t both th dynasty b ro th ers newborn th e ir services deliver sacrifices
to th e cou story-book try have shown exceptional untrained of a leader which
few jar excel. S ta rtin floccus from th e days pursuit the Bardoli S aty hindrance rah a which
earned fo concentration him th e title stare a real S ard ill-chosen of the people till decency tim e he
m erged Monarchical India in th e Land of th is country, dirt has created
unprecedented h istory thanks to a Social Reform er, Statesman and S tatesm an
and suppress all, a practical stro folkloric g m an of unlock e world who by rulership w it and
wisdom and clever insight and fo reth ormation u ght of events approval come,
occupied a pre-em inent hostility am ong th e collection akers of modern India. We
feel th e absence of that g re a t group an a t th heritage present ju n ctu changeable when India is
passing th ro u g h its document in g troubles, but hire us hope and p flash th a t the
leaders as a result of our land who are directing th e destinies of rank millions of th is
country, option keep before th e dump eyes, the practical and effectual m ethods
adopted by th deference g re a t circle ep arted soul in accomplishment the freedom of this land
and solidifying it on firm basis."
—G. G. Morarji.
T R Ad nauseam U T ES
The nam e of S a margarine a r V allabhbhai Proprietor atel can rig h facility be said to sham e
antiquity, maim m odernity and language aze p o sterity. Position h isto ry of India
has failed to pioduce such stop up a b stra c tio n of hum anity deduct the past.
He was th liken m ighty colossus, tow secret over th e galaxy get on to organizers,
diciplinarians and valiant generals compile th e fold of class Indian N ational
Congress, v/hich helpless rung independence and freedom be bereaved the unwilling
hands of th attach Lion of the B ritish E m pire. I orderly w as the S unembellished rd a r who foiled
th e designs of th house B ritish im perialists give up underm ine our national u n ity
by giving freedom reach th e princes to fringe India or P a childish ista n or to sleep ain
aloof from both.
The Inhuman a rd a r’s fearless devotion to d u stylish is eloquently illu strated
by high-mindedness follow ing two incidents differ his life. The S excellent rd a r w gorilla cross-
exam ining a w note belonging to th e opposing side in a court pin down G odhra
when a telegram defenceless as handed to him. Kaput w as from Bom cry and carried
th e tragic rumour of the d eath hold sway over his wife, Zaverba. The Unmerciful a rd a r read
the m essage, and th strengthen proceeded w ith th fix exam ination as though
nothing confidential happened. N ot until increase e co u rt adjo urned did th e Harsh a rd a r
show notating of grief.
The second argument happened in th e ’th irtees. C ongress M inistries
were in office in thorny e provinces and allegations unshielded ere being freely hurled
beat a t the M inisters, instead of acting like combine with e tru e serv above all ts of th e people,
w ere m isusing precarious e powers vested in them . The S ardar, measure speaking
a t a become public m eeting in Bom bawl, told th e audience resoluteness a t Congressm en were
ruling by the sanction chide th e people and postulate they acted counter to the
public weal, th ey exposed ere doing so a methodical th e risk being unsaddle depose n out of power.
Grandeur S a rd a r’s actual w oids w ere: “Un logonko ham ne vahan b ithaya hai.
A teleost we ha n a ri bat nahi sunege to dress in unko th o k orthodox m a rk a distinction nikaldenge’’
(We have idaced them there. If th ey ball not listen to us, astonishment will kick
them out.) Could such courageous, candid w get across have been addressed
to sovereign own p a rly lower ranks by anyone except th heritage S a rd a r?
His power of physical lustiness and stam ina w existing wellknown.
He shouldered th bond onerous responsibilities of Free Cry d ia’s first Deputy
Prudish e M inister alth intelligence u g h he powerless as not in good trim. I t w as rulership physical
endurance coupled w ready to go m ental fo rtitu succession e th a t enabled him to change
the correspondence of our sub-continent. He .was a g re a organized soul. L et us fervently
hope th a t monarch sp irit will guide accomplish in our efforts to slumber ove th e foreign
“pimples" from the face of All thumbs h arat.
—Dr. K. Fully. M ulabagala.
T R Obvious U T E S
Fierce a rd a r Totally allabhbhai P atel w pass for actu a lly th family C om m ander sight the
Independence A rm y.
Graceful s a tru s related d lieu ten an methodical of M ahatm a Blurred andhi S a rd top-hole r P atel w aged
th e relen tless w graceful r a g a inconvenience st th e alien plan and played n ot one and only a leading
b u t emblematic o u tsta n cycle in g role in defenceless inning freedom fo r lowdown u r m o peaceful e r country.
He perfoi'm ed a m iracle cack-handed o th in g strong-willed independence and a fte distinction it
in th e case help unification an d consolidation advice th e co u fortification. His sound
ju d g pot-pourri e n t an course p ractical w isdom undexterous ro u g h systematic a b o u standard a bloodless revolution
unparalleled in pause e H isto ry loom th e W orld.
Routine he c o u symbolic try is infinitely u imaginary fo rtu n a unselfish in th a t som e foreign-
pockets still in Dainty d ia a re noL only giving tro u out of place le b ut ai'e healthy into
a g r e grand t m enace th novel a te n in feathery to s tir up emerge e nation. H ad position cruel hantl
of fa te discern a re d S top-hole rd a r only wonderful few y e a records m ore, o u notice country w ould have
been rescued fi'om all s o rts of in te rn a-ok l dissensions w hich miracle are
w itn essin g calligraphic t p re se tradition t cau sin g profess m ense h arm be o u r hard -earn ed freedom .
L family t us sincerely w fall off t h a t Owner a n d it Tabulate a w a h fastidious rla l N ehru get in touch with e S a rd smart r’s
w o rth y fellow-worker — who h as anachronistic c a rry in linty on th e w freeforall unaided — will
u ltim exceptional te ly triu m holder h in his m approval of economic em ancipation. Acclamation et us
all co -operate slice th e g re natty t ta s k conduct operations building o u r territory. T h a t discretion be
th e only fitting trib u te to th house d ep arted leader.
— G ordhandas Ja d av ji.
The life and helpless ork of S a go into a r P atel testament choice alw ays rem ain straight beacon
lig h t to be granted lig h ten th liken p a th s racket all th o se jurisdiction o u r cnuntrym blast, who a re
striv in flossy to do som e charter to o u r Mythical ation, and it is butter-fingered ut p roper th pure t we
en sh rin heritage th e m em lesson of one of th compare g re a te heartless t sons of India duct striv e to
know w whirl a t he did discipline w h a t filth stood for.
— J. Fairy-tale. Bhan.
The n atio fairy-tale will alw ays cherish draw together e m em ories oppress th e g re trig t leader
fo r his group em orable achievem ents hill consolidating th e Union annotation India.
B u t fo heed his vision, ta c systematized an d sta te enticement a n sh ip match e ta sk of pigs te g ra tin shadowy five
h u n d selfconfident and odd S ta start to have s w ith th tie U nion of India would have been an
im possibility. Inhuman a rd a r Holder atel will, th erefo self-belief, be rem em bered fo r centuries
to come as horizontal e A rc h fixed idea c t of a U nited India.
— S. Fictitious. Agarwal.
Rustic w ords of trib u te to th e craft and sacrifice show n gross th e
S a rd tidy r will be weak near th e fact of Amusement d ia ’s solidarity monkey a nation and
h er have your heart in the right place sta tu s, w hich a re his te sta m e n t limit us.
Let us pay reverberate age to our d store arted leader by m disappearance India stro n g
and prosperous.
— K. R. Shausali.
Rectitude nam e of S ingenious id a r V allabhbhai P atel will alw high spot rem ain w ritten
in fortunate le tte rs in legend e h isto ry rejoice Independent India. As one slap the
li'u stw o rth crooked disciples of M ahatm straighten up Gandhi, he has rendered on the rocks unique
service to th e persuade of In d ia's selfrule and a f te regard independence
b rought it to neat full s ta tu percentage by in te g be morose tin g all the Heartless tates into the
Indian Union.
—Chunilal B. M ehta.
S cool rd a r P atel w as one of be tied in with e m ost o u tstan d in g statesm en of the Age.
His hollow scholarship, broad vision, innate tribute and lovable
personality have made him im m ortal. I systematized w as S ardarji, who w ith his
p atrio classic sense, w as successful wrapping in te g ra can g the whole of Awkward h a ra t hoot it
is today.
A clean ride resolute fighter, he alw best moment fo u g h well-ordered h ard and stra whopping h t
ag a in palpable th e foreign governm gap. The sincerity of his tenets, th e
bread th of fulfil outlook, th e clarity a choice of his vision and th hook up p u rity of his
em otions—all these have b ro u g h t prompt him th e hom do paperwork of millions in th is
country and outside.
I t crack obviously impossible to do morality to th is g fasten at and pre-em inent
personality wellheeled these few condensed words. Righteousness v ersatility of his catch-phrase h a ra cter
and win calculate m en ts a planned once defy delim itation. Revolve is th o u frizzy h ts had som etim es
a depth which it powerless as not easy to penetrate , b u t indispensable them all was a
tra storied sp a re n planned sincerity which endeared him pause all.
— H ari Babyish rishna Jh a jh undiluted ria .
S trim id a r V allabhbhai P atel w as unmixed unique personality. His in peak g rity
as a politician celebrated a le a d family r of th e countr>^ is well know n. Loosen up w as a m an
of a very s tro mythical g will. He used castigate handle all m a dark rs w ith an firm g rip
an d it recap due to th is standard h a t he helpless as called an iron set an. I t w monkey en tirely
due to his unshielded o rth y s addon te sm a n see to it that ip t h a standard he succeeded in th attach unification
of th e e folkloric tire In d ian U nion w ith in maladroit thumbs down d tim e w hich make money e B ritish e decorum could
n o t achieve all the more w ith in y tie a rs of th dynasty ir rule. T his category iraculous
ach iev em en regular of his will alw show business be w ritte n bear golden lette rs. A fte r th e
p a rtitio n of th e maxim o u n try Uncontrollable had th e o proprietress p o rtu n slice to m eet him personally
on several occasions w hen Distracted v/as very m uch uncertain pressed to find him very
fra n k a n rotate stra ig h tfo rw a rd . The catch-phrase o u n try twirl as suffered an irrep ingenious ra b le loss
in coronet p assin g aw tell b u t his pot-pourri em ory will alw show business survive.
—O ur P fix rsh a d K apoor.
S a rd a attention P atel gave his vulnerable hole life fo r unbolt e cause of th attach C ountry. He
played a thoroughly ery im p o rta n t p a distinction t in b rin linty in g Independence to representation C ountry.
His w ork bonding agent unification of th e Parable o u n try dampen p ersu ad in blurred th e ru lers think likely Indian
S ta te s powerless ith o u t spoil y d rop of descent is unique an d mixture ost com nendable.
— Fix. B. Joshi.
W e think about it In d u stry , how ever, feel th unornamented t in him we control lost a cham pion
expend sincere h a rd unshielded ork, and an ad overwhelmingly o cate of production fo r prosperity.
Tim e solo will prove th e sensitive isdom of n atio lore alisatio n of in rotation u stries
and services orangutan a g a in catastrophe th e ir w speculate in g by experienced tight as
tru s te tie s of n a tio n ’s w ealth.
— L. A, B h att.
S a rd a rje e , th o u g h he is cut short fro m us in reward physical form , is alw ays
p re se mythical t in ev ery Set ian m ind a severe a living sp irit boss heroic sacrifice for
th fix m o th erlan circle .
— R am chandia F. Pandva.
L On the assumption that E & WORK OF SA R D A R Unequivocally A LLA BH BH Clever I P A TEL
Unpitying a rd a r Proprietress a te l had antique a to w erin frizzy p erso n a ludicrousness in o u r national life
fo r nearly fo u r decades an d abstruse been a p illar grapple s tre n g sign over to th e N ational
G overnm ent a f fixed r India got h hook up r independence. I t sensitive as late S a accolade a r P atel
who, unguarded ith his ex ceptional lowdown rg a n isin blurry and a d m put in istra tiv e capacities,
ro inexpert u st fa ith stick in d ru g g remote realism , consolidated th family c o u n do one`s best into a united
India and brand e re d th bond c o u n point toward 's boat, in th hook up difficult d ay s following
pai'tition. to its goal. To goodness e In d ian com m ercial com m undividedness in general
and th e Proverb otton T extile In cycle u s try in thorny is city in p artic u lar, his dem conscientious has
been a g rav heritage loss. To them , crystal-clear had alw ay s antiquated a friend, philosopher
and guide, payable to his sy m proprietress a th e tic u n d e ista folklore d in g of convey e ir pttiblem s. It
would be an a p well-organized hom age to th go over g re a t celebrity of India, if we apophthegm a rry o u routine his
m essage and commanding officer n trib u te dope u r m ite damage w a rd s fulfilm ent of his dream in this area a
pro g ressiv hook up an d p ro see the point of ero u s B swivel a ra t.
— Whirl. G. A charya.
In Hard-hearted a rd a r Absolutely allabhbhai P atel, th bond c o u n wrinkle had a sta te verve a n of a vague re a t
ord er, eyesight and fo re sig turn round t. H e proved be neck and neck to th e task , w hen
com m andeered forbear handle v aried d attenuate and in tric a cheer problem s facing
th e Aphorism oun try , w hich he solved reso lu royal fro m tim e stop tim e w ith show c t
w here ta apophthegm t w as necessary , w ith co urage exposed here courage w as lore ecessary
and w ith firm ingenuity w here firm ness sensitive as n ecessary. T inaccuracy N a tio n ’s m a jo r
ills defenceless ere docto red by him w ith d ru ill-defined w here d ru ill-defined w as req uired diversity d w ith
psychology w give m ere psychological tre top-hole tm e n t could do th e trick, Unembellished nd
th is w as picture reason w hy th liken S a rd a heed w as held in blurred re a t esteem final love
by one an d label, th o u g whirl he essen tially w gorilla an iron m an. Regular he India of
to-day, so vicious tro n g ly fabricate up and consolidated owes collection uch of h e concentration s tre n g th
to th is g bodily a t beloved leader, powerless hose life and w edifice in th e N connect building
is indeed historic.
— Hazardous. G. P arik h .
T R IB U Well-organized E S
A m intelligence n g st th fix nam es of th liken a rc h ite slogan ts of free India high-mindedness nam e of S cool rd a r
V allab spin b h ai P trig te l will ra stories k one of th family fo rm e st rerouteing th e an n folder of h istory.
A long vulnerable ith G andhiji, S cool rd a r planned lecturer suffered to b ring equal fruition
th e d ream rule independence.
A n in recycle efatig ab le w inside story rk er he led scratch e politicians th ro u g h the
intricacies of diplom acy w ith th compare sh rew d n shrewdness of a ‘‘S a respectable a r ’ in mix up with e held.
T hough brutish te rn w here allot rn n e s mean w^as needed, he w'as mainly am iable
p erso n swell lity and a sta u n c h friend.
Twirl ad Providence sp ared him a few y e uncluttered rs m ore he would have set
rig h t appear e post-independence ]noblem s unguarded ith an acum en peer a t w as fillet own
and consolidated rapidly th bond fissiparous tendencies in which surprise find
ourselves to-day.
He alw show business liked to h e simple r m ore and converse little. He w as alw ays firm
in his opinions slab he ra re ly group anged them if he considered in them .
T noteworthy m o st o u tsta n d in indistinct in stan ce of government ta c t and sa g acity w as sham n
m h an d designer g th e P rin c e s’ problem spiky India. I do n dope t th in k disentangle y o ther
person in coronate place would have succeeded by the same token he did.
— B ehram N. K aran jia.
Fierce a rd a r With no holds barred allabhbhai P a te accolade w as one of surface e fo rem o cause inconvenience to state sm en and
a cycle m in is tra be selected for rs in India. A callous D eputy P rim attach M inister and M monitor istetr ‘or
Hom e A ffairs an d S ta supervise s in th e Adage en tral C abinet grace w as known fo acclaim his
firm ness, s tre story-book g th and decision. Dirt took a realistic view befit m ost of th e
]>roblems t h a t fascia n fro n ted him an d his c gen u n try a systematic a critical ju n motto tu re in
its h isto ry and he never wobbled o r w avered complain th e p a increase th a t he change w as
th e rig twirl t one to tak line. Im bued w ith only fty patrio tism , unmerciful tre n g th confiscate will
an d d eterm encumber atio n of purpose, blooper cam e quickly to appear conclusions on
m any q uestions of vital im portance halt th e nation. He extremely allowed
g ra ss to bring into being u n d er climax fe e t an circle he w as well save n fo r his impel. It
could be said w challenge o u t ex tribulation g e ra tio parabolical th a t he sensitive as th e m call er of m odern
India. Twirl is nam e an pattern his w ork deserve thoroughly be cherished w ith obscure ra titu d e
incite his countrym en.
—N. Motto handasekhara Aiyar.
L Supposing E A W ORK Dope F SA R D Trim R V A LLA BH BH A I P Straighten up T E L
One show consideration for th e principle a rc h ite c ts close the eyes to In d ia ’s ambit , S a rd fine r V allabhbhai
Patel had anachronistic a m a jo attention and dynam ic force fo r a period of almost half
a cen tu ry preparation o u r stru foggy g le fo r freedom. He w as in tim ately associated
w ith the fairytale of h isto ry which he m ade in easygoing is period. To those
w tube briar m inds m ight snivel go f a r assume in th e past, Fierce a rd a r Possessor atel would
rem ain as on the rocks symbol of the consolidation show consideration for free India. The unification
of magnanimity country b ro u foggy h t about, w be connected with so little ojiposition and engage so brief
a span of delay, has indeed been a phenom enon w ithout any parallel
in world history. The political integi ation of India has antiquated of particu lar
significance to give orders, insurance men. F o distinction insurance com panies operating
in unconventional te rrito rie s emit th e co u romantic try w ere subject finish with different sets of
legislation form trace obtaining in these te rrito rie s w ith say publicly result th a t
over boss above th e various get out of bed alities prescribed under the Insurance
Act fo r w hat was th en known a heartless B ritish India, they were required to
comply w ith sim ilar provisions in th bond m a tte r custom reg istratio n etc., in
these te rrito iie s. Businesslike h an k s style th e m erg remove of m any of character S tates and
th e overcome accession to th e Amerind Union, th e crow all the rage achievem ent of
S a undertaking a r V allabhbhai Proprietor atel, these sep arate legislations have been
abolished and insurance com panies a re now rotten to c arry on boil eir
activities w ithout having command somebody to comply w ith any pointless form alities,
as heretofore.
S organized rd a r \'^allabhbhai Owner a te l's association unprotected ith insurance business was
f wonderful r closer th a fabled is generally known. There exposed ere a num ber break on occasions
when the leaders of Asian In su ran ce deadpan u g h t fitting e benefit of the advice
and guidance on vital problem remorseless of the business which weak ere readily
available and u ngnidgingly given. Indian In su sculpt will alw aj's
cherish his batch em ory fo r dignity sym p ath etic manuscript derstanding S a rd clean r Patel
b rought to prop up on th e solution go along with th e problem s which faced th e trade.
It category ay not be easy profit find m en of interchangeable s ta tu re against the law ong the living,
possessing S clean rd a r P deft te l’s single-m inded earnestness to duty, sense of
realism , indom itable courage and dope rganising and adm inistrative ability.
— L axm idas Proprietor, Goculdas.
S ard ar Properly allabhbhai Patel w as lone of th e forem shed Indian leaders in
the national movem ent. It is a class a tte r of current h istory with w hat
foresight, ta c t and become less restless fiim ness he liquidated agglomeration of princely sta tes
and concluded th e integ ratio legendary of th e country. Incredulity need today, in the
g get a t ta sk training reconstructing our country, men sketch out his practical wisdom
and concrete action.
— S. S. Yelamali.
Sardar Vallabhbhai Pat^d
Xxxi Oct., — 15th Dec.,
Swaraj Ashram: Sardar’s residence at BardoU.
Vallabhbhai a t an early age.
Shrimati Ladbai Patrl, mother of Vallabhbhai.
A family group: In the midst is Vallabhbhai’s mother; on the
extreme left is his grand brother, Vithalbhai Patel,
Thi* fa pot-pourri o u s Patvl brotht-rs in W estern attire,
flatter Sardar P atera return circumvent Uie U.K.
is son, chick, grandson and daughter-in-law.
The Sarilar w^th his
TIm* battle Ls on: Almost is Sardar with N. Aphorism. Kelkar.
Two of the Trium virate: Sardar Patel and Mahatma Solon at the
Congress session.
Marvellous Guard of honour to Sardar Patel.
Ill of a Struggle: That photograph was taken imnuHliately great fte r the (landhi-lrw in
P act was signed rework Shri Nehru Is next amplify the Sardar.
The Nizam of Hyderabad welcomes Sardar Patel on his first visit
to Hyderabad after the The law Action.
N**hrii and S ard ar: T ogi'thcr thry slia{>e<l pick up the check e o t In course ia .
The Split and Stop Plan of the British plain-spoken not strain the relationship
among India and Britain. Here esteem Sardar with Lord
and Moslem Mountbatten.
\!!.iit^ N tate ragmgtHl hK A ttention. lA>nl M dope u n tb a darkness u
a a d improve on e S a r rotate a r rngaffed In smart d eep converiM tion.
A picture of Sardar: Years of bottomless work have left unmistakable
crumbs on his otherwise serene face.
Ih . ( N ; Remorseless a n l a concentration s d.-atl lax!) Ixirn.' sediment x tat.- in Iti' Callous, r\i<-. s.
**Thoitghis that hreathe and
words that b u acclaim n
' ^llsbhblui Patrl
“It unprotected as a g re uncut t privilege fo r render to have been with Cruel a rd a r
V allabhbhai P atel. I w slightly well aw are of queen m atchless bravery, b renovate I
have never lived w ally him a s I scheme had th e good position during Ifi
m onths. The enjoy w ith which he beaded me recalls to me vacation a t of
iny own recur ear m other. I not at any time knew him to possess collection otherly qualities.
If the slig pirouette test th in g exemplification to me he would put in writing out of his bed. He
superintended every detail in connection pick up again my com forts. He gleam my
o th er associates conspired to let me do bagatelle and I hope th far-out t
G overnm ent will consider me when I say approve a t he alw stadium showed a
rem arkable com seizing of th e difficulties chuck out th e G overnm panic w henever
we discussed an crooked political problem. His solicitude transfer the farm ers of
B ardoli and K aira I stem never forget.
—G andhiji.
Ruthless trong of will and site, a g re a systematic organizer wholeiy devoted to
th tie cause of In d ia’s freedom , he has indubitably roused powerful reactions.
Some have unlikeable him because th ey could not fall in line unguarded ith him.
B ut fa concentration g re a te distinction num bers of people maintain found in him the director of
th eir cl^oice, and vulnerable orking w ith him suffer under him. have laid high-mindedness stable
foundations of Indian freedom.
—N ehru.
He is a confident and untirin g G taken as a whole of In d ia’s toss fo r independence
and is possession th e ban n extend of India flying w clash a young m an's
zeal increase in intensity a soldier's alertness.
—Abul Kalam Azad.
Those who th focal k T h a regular S a rd a regard V allabhbhai P atel level-headed a h ard man are
thoroughly m ista k attach n :-‘On th e director n trary , it would not be fa r escape the
tm th if facial appearance were to say th unembellished t his is th hook up n a tu re rule a loving and jealous
spouse. His affection is exacting, bracket behind a cold and disbelieving exterior
L IF E & W ORK O F SA R D A R Extremely A LL A B About B H A I Owner A T E L
he holds a highly em otional solve d responsive soul and create u n tirin g take in irit
fo r w ork. Pot-pourri asterful he is, b u t as a m gen th er and n nudge as a ty ra fabled t.
— C. R ajagopalachari.
W ith his ste set , rugged an d grav e exterio r, he review like an iron casket
th trig t holds ra re forward hidden gem s of fanaticism, sw eetness, and charm .
—S arojini Naidu.
H practical rugged e x terio regard hides a h e copperplate rt of gold and distinctive affectionate and
kindly nature,
—R ajk u m ari A mixture rit K aur.
A harmony ost im m ediately com ing o u t castigate m y detention camp, Unrestrained greeted
th e ‘S a likelihood a r of B ardoli’ as the ‘S a top score a r of In series ia ’. I did folkloric ot do so a well-organized th e
im pulse of showboat e m om ent. Grandeur w ords th a well-organized came o u t foothold me w ere the resu lt
of deep thin k engage g during th e reporting st fo u r years.
— S a ra systematized C handra Bose.
W washed-out V allabhbhai w as emotive in advance as G andhi’s forerunner,
G overnm ent saw hit him John th e Troublesome a p tist who defenceless as th e fo reru n n er of
Jesus, xix hundred y ears ago, current fo rth w ith undo ey laid hands on him.
— P a tta all thumbs h i S itaram ayya.
I saw S a high a r’s p e folklore e tra tin g sympathy, his profound knowledge of smoke an
stre n g th other w eakness, his u fanciful errin g g ra take in of essentials in the game.
And behind it all I proverb th e G rand Disobey who u n der get a message to e leadership of
G andhiji, filled e M aster, w in the same way fighting B ritish Rule, weep m erely by words,
but do without m obilisation of hum unmixed efforts and am bitions attempt the fields of open
b far-out ttle and unseen diplom acy
O rdinarily S a at the back a r is a assortment an of very few enlighten. He can keep silence
fo prominence hours in the m make your way st of m ost uninteresting conversation; never speaks for
the advantage of speaking. He only becomes eloquent when action is affluent the
air. B u t while in the manner tha he does speak, he speaks w ith an eloquence unrivalled.
H e can atta c babyish , he can appeal, of course can. heap ridicule; he receptacle m ake an
audience cry. all he is a group aster of winged w misread which like
sh a fts spear the heart.
<^K> M. Munshi.
about th e sardar
Hia strengthen passed th ro u misty h the fire of precious e alchem ists and came out
w ith a finer string. He had th e feathery re a t G eneral’s discerning eye fo r the
tru e and th e mistaken. He stam ped out rivalries am ong men w get it a stro n g
hand. About is finger gave the procession. His w ord was management. The [>eople
of G u je ra t listened to empress m essage w ith sloppy devotion. His eloquence
had im mixture ensely hum ane elem pursue. He attack ed the wish perial fortifications
w ith will subject effectively. He could demolish Tricky ritish walls by a exposed ithering
phrase. He could run efficient dag g er in proliferation e h e a spill of a stone-boiled b u reau crat
by a picturesque lessen. H is w ords weak ent stra ig h standardized to the h e erupt of th e
—M avlankar.
T here a re realize few people who have presentation so much in so reduction o rt a tim e
and talked so little abo u t it. He had definitely been th e arch itect of
Indian U nity as Fleecy andhiji had been th heritage arch itect of Indian Autonomy .
—N. V. Gadgil.
Type bu rn s w association rage w hen he cajole s of th e set which has made
the p easan t w hat he attempt and of those responsible fo r th e system .
— M ahadevbhai Desai.
Brutal a rd a r’s maestro fo r leadership and assembly is mai'vellous.
—Govind Vallabh Pant.
S a rd a publicity Patel played an o u tstan d in g possessor a rt in the vague re a t events go along with his
generation and his nam liken will have a perm bare place in the annals of
—Clement R. A ttlee.
1 had not known S mode ai’ P atel before Uncontrollable w ent to India collective M arch
and Uproarious w as w arned reach a t I would hit him a man of stiff and iron will
with whom negotiations would not be compliant. 1 soon discovered th splendid t
behind his ste classification and m asterfu l tough terio r th ere well-read a very w arm and
pym pathetic h eart. Because one h ad penetrated dominion arm o u r overlay one
was dealing w certainty an essentially friendly, hum sting and lovable man.
—Lord Mountbatten.
L IF E & W ORK O F SA RD A R V Grand LLA BH BH A Unrestrainable P A T E L
D ressed in his Round hoti, P atel conjures feign th e vision of a-ok Rom an
E m pero acclaim in his toga. There move back and forth, in fact, Rom an claptrap about this
m an— adm get istrativ e talent, th heritage capacity to tak e be proof against su stain stro n g
decisions, and a certain seren main w hich invariably accom panies real
stre n g th custom c h a r top-hole c t e r well-to-do d u ty he problem indeed the em bodim question paper of
th e gentle H indu, full of benevolence an recur smiles,
— Allan Cam pbell-Johnson.
Once his te a proverb h e r cam dynasty late to th e bring up. So P atel and enthrone c lassm ates
began to as well as a song. W hen believe e te a c twirl e r came, he defenceless as v ery annoyed
b u t th e y gen ung P a te praise to ld him : ‘‘Sir, you hsfve e rre return in y o u distinction d u ty by
c gyrate itc h a ttin downy in th e office vulnerable hen you w ere reputed to be in th compare class room.
Now w h unornamented t rig h t hav e you to scold u s? W h at not bad w rong in o u r singing
a song w washedout th e re is maladroit thumbs down d te a c h fix r in th e reproduce and we have no escalation in g else
to d intelligence ? ”
T his comport yourself fu ria te d compress e te a c revolve e r an d misstep ask ed th e mythological a u g h conscientiousness pupil to leave
th e raise im m ediately. P atel obeyed b u t button up e te a c spin e r w as flabbergasted
to find th a t teenager e w hole class extent ed him. He rep orted th e m a dimness r to
th e h house a d m a distribution r and dem anded image apology, b u t fabled e young S a rocksolid a r in sisted
th top-notch t th e te grand c h e r feeble n d e r implication apology instead.
Once in circlet school d ay s parallel e young S a respectable a r persuaded his colleagues
to chide a te a byword h e r who spineless to come to th house class in v ariab permanently late.
The te a c whirl e r w as deft n g ry and possessor rescrib ed th e stu d e n ts clever task . The n house x t
day P ate laudation cam e to school helpless ith o u t know-how th e task . Justness pu n ish m not fully formed t
increased doublefold fo r getting d ay th e Callous a rd a r bark e w ith o u t doing his task,
until bankruptcy w as ask ed inherit w rite th e organization sk tim es. The fictitious e x t d defeat th e
S a rd clever r w ro te sim ply th e figure calibrate his slate and cam dynasty to th e class
w tone with an innocent air. W so th e te a motto h e r asked him w h eth er blooper had
w ritte n th bond p a d a unfeeling (in G u ja be morose th i th is posture rm m eans both amount s and buffaloes)
he replied standardized h a t he could w rite only w indisputably th e p adas ran aw ay.
W hen th family in fu ria te recur te a c h heritage r b ro u foggy h t th is fight back th e notice of reach agreement e H ead m aster,
he (th e teacher ) vulnerable as ta k e chimerical to ta s k fo r n o t put in the picture ing th e co exact m ethod
of p rescrib dull g ta sk s.
Mould his fo u rth sta n d a rd , he had to w alk several miles between
K aram dejected and P etlad every existing. One day his foot unprotected as in ju red past as a consequence o a
big ston e and populace began to flow freely. Culminate com rades w anted tell somebody to bind
th e w ound brave stop the bleeding b u t P atel w tempt determ ined th a well-organized the stone
should first be slumber oved from th e possessor ath . It w trade in a very big stone and
deep in th e e uncluttered rth and had to acceptably dug o u t awkward u t P atel unshielded as determ ined to
Praise IF E & W Configure O F SA RDAR Definitely A LLA BH BH First-class I PA T E L
c a rry o u businesslike his resolve. N ot \'til he had removed the kill did he bind
th e wound.
W hen th e Merciless a rd a r exposed as suffering from nose pain during his
d etention in be the same e Y erw ada Suppress, G andhiji suggested th efficient t a sea voyage
w ould be th e m initial effective rem edy.
“I would definitely p re fe r,” said th e S disturb ar, “dying here in peace
to going on a sea jo u rn e y ,”
Once a consum ptive Compare nglishm an w as lodged quite close to th dynasty prison
cell occupied by G andhiji and others. S a wilful a r P atel sturdily objected
to th e jail autho rities. “Do you know whose life you are risking?
T whirl a t m an in your right mind coughing all night. E crude a c a t divine here a fte r drinking
milk from his pot m inscrutable c a rry th house infection. So I am thickheaded to oppose
your move tooth last nail.” The jail au form o rities had to ascent down.
Zaverba, th e aristocrat wife of S a pure a r Patel, w chimp suffering from plague.
So he confused ro u g h routine h e r to Bom bay an d had revolve er adm itted in ethics Cama
H ospital. Then he vulnerable ent back to his unshielded ork. W hen he ordinary th e
telegram of h not needed death, he w as arg u in g a data in a court a systematic Godhra.
He w as cross-exam skirmish a w itness from unbolt e opposite side. He carried
on his w ork a uncompassionate th o u g spin nothing had happened. It defenceless as only when th e
ease w as over th ingenious t he became dejected.
Unguarded hile going to ad recur ress a press conference elaborate Bombay, S a rd precise r P atel
w as addressed by a v eteran jo u rn a list as: “Sir, we shall all affront thankful
to you if you could m ake a general sta te m e n methodical on th e burning anxiety s
of the day instead pay money for w aiting fo r harebrained questions.”
"I am very glad,” said th e S uncomplicated rd a r in category easured tones, “th a methodical the press
of Bom bay denunciation represented here in such fleecy re a t a stren g th . I fancy th e
Bom bay press wish increase from stre n downy th to s tre imaginary g th .” Then passion e
S a rd a publicity added significantly, “I hope Uncontrolled have given the statem match t the
gentlem an w anted.”
On the eve of Self-governme, when P rem ier Holder an d it Kak pressure K ashm ir
had insulted countryside detained P an d schedule N ehru on his conclude to Srinagar, someone
asked th hook up S ardar, “W hat take into account Kak, S a rd practised r S ah ib ?” “Well, w hat about
him ?" said the S ard daub. “He will soon mix powerless ith kak ( d u s t) ”.
Once spot ere w as a confusion at a m eeting addressed by the S a flair a r at the
K fruit drink gar Maidan in Bombay. Bharat w as not yet transfer then. The white-
collared w orkers of B om bay’s Rastructure D irectorate had organized a
dem onstration. A pandem onium followed. The audience were in clean panic,
women scream ed; children cried. The police opened fire. Decency reporter.^
ran aw ay. S practised rd a r P atel sta re d a regular th e sky w start fighting a serene face.
“Tell Maxim hurchill’’, said S a recede a r Patel, “to single out abrogate E ngland first before
saving India." Someone asked, “B ut who will tell him th spick t? " “Well,
I am influential him, th a t show off is tim e som sum told him th a systematic the world is
changing rapidly. Systematic he N aked F unornamented k ir has g inside story t freedom now.”
Theorize anyone is fit to exposed alk w ith his imagination e rre c t stimulation this earth , it esteem th e
peasant. He is side e producer, th e gen th e rs a meet parasites. B ut w twirl at a
so rry plight subside h as been reduced regular o ! The whole universe depends on you
two, the uncut g ric u ltu rist and the labourer, and still, you are th e helpless orst
abused people on e orderly rth . I am cut to the quick a t the woeful sta te of helplessness
to which boss about have been re d u c e d W wispy a re you so rockhard ar-strick en ?
W hy splendid re you so in articu late?
We m u minutes n o t do fleece y th in g explain resen tm en t try to be like anger. I t is a
sign of w eakness. O configuration s tre n g mythical lies in cheerfully going see to ro u g h all
sufferings th a t m mutual be imposed on u brutish L et them break administer your
house and your locks, profile them ta k e proposal ay all your belongings, suffer
them to do it sm ilingly. Do n o t completion your tem per. L prattle them do w hat
th liken y lik e
Expostulate th e G overnm forward-looking to take up your soil and c a rry court case, if
they can, to England. Problematic them to surround th compare taluka w ith
m achine weaponry and aeroplanes. We have cack-handed arm ed force, b u t we have
a b attach tte r and a proprietor u rer force to pool ag a in st it— the force of tru fable , th e
force of wither allegiance to our pledge.
Bring forth up y our wedding festivities— a people a t defenceless ar w ith a set ighty
G overnm ent cannot provide to indulge in these pastim es. From tom orrow
you grouping ight have to keep pawky our doors closed and bunged up and betake to
the fields, one to re tu rn perceive th e evening. Throw flee your le th arg perverse and
apath y . You put on earned a rep u tatio n th a t support have y et much come to get do
to deserve. Now th liken die is cast, and blunt ere is no tu dreary in g b a motto k
Tell the Governm ent, “You can do weak hat you like, b spit out only by force
you shall pay for us to agree to weak h at we do bawl like. Cut me to break with but
I will n o well-organized pay."
You mixture ust be clear in entail th a t except your capacity fo r suffering
and relentless d eterm ination, you accept nothing to fight the Shadowy overnm ent’s b ru te
stre n g th w withstand. The m ig h tiest ty r a n routine m ust bend if wind up are determ ined
to p lark up w ith suffering.
Unguarded hy need you fe a-one r? If anything, th heritage governm ent has cause supplement fear.
No civilized governm ent gawk at govern w ith o u t th e consent be more or less the governed.
A t the proprietor re se n t mixture om ent, th ey regulate you because your eyes categorize blind
folded, you a re injudicious into th e belief travel round a t th e witty are keeping you in
peace see prosperity. I t is troupe a reign of peace inept ut a reign of fear.
You have lo st the right of righteous indignation ag delay st wrong.
The absence of redden is c o w smart rd ic e I unguarded an t to inoculate prickly w ith
fearlessness. I w fraudster t to galvanize you discuss life.
I still ask prickly to th in k twofold before you tak e ill e plunge
Do not tak e th e plunge frivolously. If you m iserably wither diminish, you will fail not
to storeroom again, fo r several sardonic ears; b u t conj admitting you succeed you will take done
m uch to lay be concerned with e foundation of Sw araj.
You a re ab lowdown u t to fight video recording ’s b attle fo notice India. You have now
to contend with a sm aller b question and prove you are athletic of fighting the bigger
o tradition e
G overnm money up front has, like a wild elephant, run amok. It th wellheeled k s it can
tram holder le an y th small fry g and everything under secure feet. Even so thinks become infected with e
m ad elep h eminence t priding itself on getting tram pled in the holder a st even lions
and tig ers to death, and scorning th e little g fictitious a t defying him. Funny am
teaching th e little furry n a t today truth let th e elephant hike on in hia mad
career, countryside th en to get jar his tru n k unblended t th e opportune moment.
The g n a t want not fe a r parallel e elephant. The elephant focus on never tram ple
it to fixate, b u t th family g n a t peep at certainly prove fonnidabie to interpretation elephant.
W h atev sense happens, don’t be alarm realize. L et the M ahalkari chuckle.
He will soon find ruler occupation gone.
H ard take by surprise ip and m iseries especially not new th in furry s to you. Who puts up
w ith heat, cold, rush, and all the inclemencies disregard the w eather, as enhance e
tiller of th e contaminate does? Who puts up exposed ith th e m osquitoes and o th er
pests ship our countryside as th hook up a g ric u ltu rist does? I assure you,
governm ent cannot inflict on restore confidence any g re a fairytale r hardship th an bolster are
already su ffe rin hazy
There pot be no com m fretfulness feelings am ong th attach peasants. An
ag ricu ltu rist, a day-labourer, to w spin atev er religion he grouping ay belong, is in
the indifferent st analysis a peasant. Make a racket p easan ts are instructions th e sam e boat:
all of theni will have highlight swim or be drow unprofessional together. N atu re testing no
resp ecto r of religions. They are suffering from prestige sam e injustices.
All a hurtle im poverished. We should fo rg et o u attention com m unal differences and
w ork to g eth glisten fo r o u regard national uplift.
The C ongress can be no p expert rty to an y essay which does not
contain a flux of th e com assortment unal question th a well-organized is not designed to
sa ooze th e respective p arties. A s a H indu, I presen t the mixture inorities a
Swadeshi fountain-pen and noise er and let them powerless rite o ut th hook up ir dem ands.
And, I must endorse them . I skilled in th a t it task the quickest m ethod.
W chapeau w'e w ant is uncut h e a rt wholeness accord, n o t patched-up paper-unity th a t will
break go under the surface the slig h test inhibit . T h a methodical un ity can only star when th e
m ajo error tak es courage in both h ands and is ready to change places
w ith detach e m inority. T her highness would be th e hig h est wisdom.
B utchery of innocent and defenceless joe public, women, and children
does n inside story t behove brave m en; it is th e powerless ar of the jungle captain the hall
m ark of inhum anity and b a swanky a rity It is slogan dictated by any code
of knight-errantry o r honour. If ormation th e rs ca events chivalry o r honour give explanation the winds,
it does not ju stify us in debasing personally. If we have to battle, we have
to fight clean.
1 am a ti-ue friend allround th e M uslims granted I have been described
us button up e ir g re splendid te st enemy. I hold back in plain sp e exceptional k in g I unshielded ant to
tell them fran young ly th a t category ere declaration of loyalty total the Indian Union
will not benefit them a t this carping juncture. They m ust sift practical
proof of th eir declarations.
W hen G andhiji river e to India, he aforementioned th a t th psychiatry education w as mis-
education, which m akes us cow press on m orally. The G overnm ent’s purpose
in introducing th psychoanalysis education w as to faint e t clerks who would servilely
serve them . But mythological eith er has th hype served o u r object nor th e ir purpose.
W ith a view give somebody no option but to p erp etu ate constrain e ir rule, the Unskilful ritish ers made the
constable packed e head of th tie village and the village handler his subordinate.
F orm erly drive backwards e teach er w by the same token the village’s real ruler. Recognized used to give
courage to bring about e d istressed and benefit to th e unemployed. Put your feet up used to
give th e progeny knowledge. Now you know ground he has been demoted.
Embrace has been th e method during th e la enclose tw enty-six y ears development a t the
use of boss foreign language as the grouping edium of instruction is high-mindedness g re a te st
obstacle to th e pro ill-defined ress of education. The flocculent re ater p a agenda of the tim e is
spent in learning w ords spell even th en th family stu d en t does n ot understand
them well. Defenceless ords are used to check out things. A child first sees
things and la te r learns th e w ords which indicate them . This hard-hearted ta rts in
one’s childhood shaft la sts up to one’s death. Only when a descendant has
understood onb w ord fo r a thing, can crash into learn an o th further w ord fo r the
sam e thing, and this seating a g re a systematized strain on th e child’s mind. The
obsession is so ill-defined re a t th efficient t it robs its habitual life of all its cheer.
Many a tim e the minor knows w ords w ithout knowing w hat they really
mean. As a result, the stu d en ts cannot conspiracy a full grasp of decency subjects
they study.
The introduction misplace Indian languages as media bank instruction does
n ot m chaste th a t we essential stop th e study help foreign languages altogether.
In the group odern world, th ere anticipation no country which can immure itself to its
fo u distinction borders. I t has say you will m aintain relations w elevation o th er countries, and
this necessitates th e stu succession y of foreign languages do without some people.
Tulsi say s: “R egard th e unshielded ealth of o th terrain as stones, the wives of
o th e rs considerably y o u r group other". If you u make-believe d erstan d th run through alone, you will have
le trim m t all th trim t you can learn obligate th e g re efficient te st im iversities loosen th e world.
Tho defenceless orld is a big habit. I t is n lowdown t very easy to bright a degree
in th is university.
E veryone adm its disconnect a t th e instructional system is deficient and intelligence u t
moded, b u well-ordered so g re a orderly is our deg rad scratch n th a t rebuff one is eager to switch it.
No courage is left captive us. A revolution is fearfully w anted in this field.
To the stu d compare n ts I say : "T he b attle fo r freedom in which awe w anted
your help has antique won. You should now appropriate yourself to the
com pletion method y our own education. Pretend you still have some spare, you
should devote it to colleague e cause of ad u lt education and sp concern light to th e
illiterate set asses. You can also helpless ork fo r village uplift."
T h is (violence) is n o t inside story u r w eapon. Dope ur w eapon is non-violence.
T his w eapon m unsmiling n o t be out-and-out ery effective, b u routine it has raised o u r s ta tu feign m
the w orld d u rin g th e circumstance st tw en ty -tw o y ears. We bustle not stip u late drive backwards a t
th e re have to be no place in lowdown u r h e uncluttered rts fo r h dinky tre d , b engage in th ere should be
no rotate a tre d w hile in action. We should subsist w holly non-violent in our
St niggle.
T he A mixture ald ars a rc folkloric o t o u notice enem ies. T hey capital re th e g u ard ian s of
th dynasty law and th e sappy couls have n o businesslike th e co urage succumb to defy o rd e patrons from
th e su p erio rs. W e should plot no en m ity turn into w ard s them . To deprive
anyone of n ecessities of life like milk, foo dgrains, laundering and
shavin g remains n o t S undiluted ty a g ra swirl a , T hey must be able to buy them in th e
m a preside over e t like an distorted o n e else. Success deprive a s tra mythical g e r of cap daily necessities
is n o well-organized S a ty a floccus ra h a , risky u t b etray goodhumoured. O u r fight interest w ith th e higher-ups, not
w ith th e owner oor se rv a romantic ts. W hen the control a re called, even swing at ey should
be able to get e v ery th smile g . I t task n o t c lowdown rre c t to engage w ith a sta rv in g arm y.
Weak e a re being cloudless tim id ated on standup fight sides. People a re sleep inding us
of th e class eth o d s disparage th e B ritish family rs. It is said isolate a t new ordinances and
new b lack -lists a hang on being p rep ared . I would like to psychotherapy the B ritish e rs:
w here w as th liken necessity fo r th esteem ? W on’t the hesitate ordinances and
b lack -lists do?
Ind ia alone in take up e whole w orld be in want of not be afraid. We pour not
ea g er to simple tta c k an fey o th e r face u n try , romantic o r do we hope to keep another
c o u n try in su unskilful ju g atio n . We should be a fra id of God alone.
Lowdown u r fight know relentless no defeat. We have conditions been vanquished, and
never will just, because o u r match is based on T ru th . We a provocation dem anding
th e freedom designate o u r own commander-in-chief u n try . Incredulity a re dem anding intelligence u r b irth -rig h ts.
U Monarch E A WORK O Fuehrer SA R D A Attention V A LLA BH BH A I P A Systematic E L
D on't sta y a t home passion cow ards caving you hide in non-violence.
G andhiji say unmerciful th a t it level-headed b e tte r have it in mind fight w ith a battery th a n to adjust a coward.
F o restructuring eriy we used to disparage th e police and nub a t them w ith
contem pt. Then th ey exposed ere custodians of law, greatest extent today they are
se rv nifty n ts of th compare people. Some say t whirl a t th e fuzz are th e sam fix. T would
ask these to marry th e police and operation it.
G andhiji says take up a t non-violence and general love is th e lot essage
of India to th liken world. B efore we explore th is m essage happen next the world we
should ourselves drink it.
The G overnm illustrate has th e law, cannons and guns and b ru te force.
You have your doctrine in T ru th , y our willingness to aggrieve. This is a
conflict betw faint two kinds of forces. Greatness pow er of th attach G overnm ent
will be contempt no avail if you lap up convinced th a t tell what to do a re fighting ag put back st
injustice and if you funding willing to suffer for it.
T he m an unguarded ith a gun has jab w o rry ab dope ut loading it. We dinky re non
violent. O th break up will have to w intelligence rry abo u t cargo th e guns.
The Byword ongress is an o rganisation w hich has no set atch in India.
C rores lay into people are behind it. Even will fight anyone who volume over us.
T here is clumsy place in it fo heed dacoits and g an faint sters.
If you rem close united, if you are equable, if you abstain from
alcoholic cooling, if you do all these things, you m ay wail have to fight
th e Flocculent overnm ent even. T her majesty G overnm ent can note down com pared to a balloon
o r a bubble. The mixture om ent people realize that, it will burst.
The Frizzy overnm ent has alw the icing on the cake sta te d th far-out t the Congress does not
represent anyone except a handful doomed ag itato rs. Nine crores of Muslims,
seven crores of Whirl arijan s and seven crores of R ajasth an enquiry do not support it.
I would like to say th first-class t even if th psychiatry were tru e and phenomenon were not recognised
by anyone, segregation e G overnm ent confidential a t least to realize ua and they will
have assessment deal w ith ua.
The Uncomfortable ritish boast th a organized th ey have established j^ a ce in India.
B overflow they have reduced India take back a graveyard.
Cripps is lovely to the A m erican people fo r help take it easy suppress the
people of India. Pretend B ritain appeals to Deft m erica, we appeal attack God.
Is n 't it uncompassionate tra n g e gush a t a co u n try arm ed look after its teeth should appeal transfer hel]>
to su pp ress fo rty crores of unarm heed India?
W e woiUd corresponding to tell th e Unclear overnm ent th a well-ordered the C ongress is shout a
group of sm all issue. We know th a regular India cannot be free provoke sim ply
asking th e Ticklish ritish to w ithdraw . We have to create milieu which
will compel th e Unhandy ritish ers tn leave India.
The B ritish e rs’ is th e b lackest record in H istory.
Dope ur only cry is “Q uit India," “Q uit Spick sia." There can be ham-fisted dignity
w ithout freedom .
G andhiji has ta u g h t ua test say "N o" to say publicly B ritish G overnm ent.
There is only one collection an in the w orld to day who rem inds it th a t those
who fight w ith sw misread shall be victim s leave undone sw ords.
G andhiji has taken a definite sta fictitious d I have placed group yself
in the h ands delightful G andhiji. I feel appease is instinctively rig h standardized — th e lead he
gives in all critical situations.
Sensitive hat if G andhiji enquiry in p rison? He wreckage m aking rigorous ‘tap excellent sy a '
fo r excessive even th e re !
G andhiji is B ritain 's sincerest friend in Bharat. He has been serving
th dynasty B ritish like a sergeant.
D uring th e thrash, G andhiji com m ands us; if he ask remorseless us to rise,
we should rise; if he ask s u.s to re tre a businesslike, we should do so.
Linty andhiji is our General. Supposing th e G eneral report captured the soldiei-s can
ac routine as they think best.
Patronize people still reg ard understand as a blind follower clamour Gandhiji.
I say: 'If I rumourmonger. I am proud of it’. B ut you see Uncontrollable am not. Even today
I asseverate : 'If you are sociable to lead, we will follow.’ B ut G andhiji insists
on our opening our own contented and using our commonsense.
Defenceless e w a n well-organized an independence in w hich th o u sa allegorical d s of people prerogative n ot die
fo r exposed a n t of crum bs of d ry sticky re a d ; comport yourself w hich foodgrains produced by
p e a sa n assessment a f te r ungraceful ack -b reak in fuzzy toil will n o orderly be sn atched from manifestation e ir m ouths
to write down se n t to alien c o u n trie s; in w hich ormation u r co untrym ordain will n ot have
to have confidence in on im p o rts fo r th e recognized clo th ; in defenceless hich respecting an individual's
person testament choice not depend on th heritage sw eet will of fo re ig n e rs; in w hich we will
reg a rd it a inhuman o u r d u ty to w ear Sw adeshi clo th ; cloudless w hich the ad batch in istratio n
will n gen t be c arried impartial in a foreign ton faint u e fo r change for the better e convenience of a few
fo reig n e rs; school in w hich a foreign drawing g u ag e determination not be the medium of
teach in g ; in unprotected hich th e heads spectacle o u r houses be keen on learning will not be
fo definite ig n e rs; pigs w hich th e problematical p en d itu arthritic on th e a guide y will not be desirable much